
Agreed. My friends nicknamed me "Bri-polar" because of my "ability" to argue minutiae until I won…

Mine too, but…I look at in a few ways:
They're just trying to rile somebody up on the internet, which is to be pitied
They actually believe mental illness is the fault and responsibility of the sick individual…that level of idiocy is to be pitied
They know someone-or someones-that suffer/suffered from mental illness, and

It's amazing how everything can be turned upon yourself, and judged a slight or an insult in mere seconds…removing the emotion from it, in retrospect, I really couldn't lose an argument

Thank you. I still have my bad days, but I feel like I can cope with them. It's my kids I've seen the biggest change in, and that delights and breaks my heart in equal measure

It's not worth it to argue with someone about this, seriously.

Best place for him. I don't think anyone would be surprised to find out that he is mentally ill, and this is a great first step. It took a friend having to make an emergency call and me being kept under 72 hour watch before I started to realize that my breakdowns-my narcissism, really-were hurting many people…

Yeah, I saw it last week and loved it.

As an outsider, to me it looks as if the American public is fucked. The anger and devisivness is so deeply entrenched that progress and anything resembling rational, calm discussion is a pipe dream. I understand the fear that many Americans have, but the bitterness at not being listened to for years has rendered many

Yeah…that really does suck..it was a sad day when my eyes were opened to how much I'd been distancing myself from everything and everyone

I call shenanigans -his was WAY more than 50 words.
It's fightin time

Fondue chocolate….non-fondued

I'll be revisiting Red Dead Redemption and Splatoon this weekend, and lazing out to World Of Final Fantasy…all the while doing my dailies in Neverwinter of course :)

Never really understood the appeal of this guy.

Again, it's not like it's even that different…if he was talking to someone like Serj Tankian or Jello Biafra, or even Björk, I'd be a little more surprised

Is it me, or does that roundtable not really seem to be too far removed from his regular shit?

Can't wait to hook this up to my floor model!

Well, time for my family to becomenjoy ZedHeads

Nope. I love Harry Potter, and the world he exists in, but fuck that.

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna be calling that cell and offering my pearl necklace design (everyone is unique to you!) and my scotch-infused facial creme

My son has reached the age where we have to have "The talk", so I need visual aids, as my wife has banned the scare video I made for our daughter "Big Trouble In Little Vagina"