
I will do. Likewise. The "Rod Of Zalizarg" is the proper, forgotten name of the more commonally known "Rod Of 7 Parts", Zalizarg being a long-forgotten and gone Ithililich, for what it's worth…although, is he gone?

Rose McGowan

This ass o' mine is asinine

His middle name was "Fucking"? Huh…him and Yngwee Malmsteen

I've been working on one that requires the players to construct "The Rod Of Zalizarg", and then travel to abyssal plain ruled over by Orcus and cast it into the river Styx…an epic adventure that's currently 200 pages long…
Anyway, that's the most recent and epic adventure…I have one that starts with discovery of a

As a man who has been hospitalized for depression, you couldn't be more wrong…it's not over…it's barely begun.

Except, of course, that one episode

I should also mention Midnight Run, Big Trouble In Little China, playing with Lego, making D&D adventures that no one will ever play…..when you suffer from severe depression, you have to find ways to cope, or….well, you know

OK. ..get out in 2 years, and vote in your local elections for…the house? The Senate? I forget which one…
Anyway, that's an idea…you have your own, I'm sure?

"Child Of Light", the gorgeous rpg from ubisoft studios…

I remember asking Tom Petty about the episode that guest starred Weird Al, and he looked at me dead-eyed and said:
"Would you ask Mojo Nixon that question?"
"Well", says I " I did, in fact, ask Mr.Nixon that very same question, to which he said: 'Rarity is everywhere' "

I don't know, to be honest. Get out and protest. Stand up for someone who's being oppressed. Realise that changing your twitter colour to all black is not a form of rebellion. Go to your neighborhood council meetings. Accompany girls/women to planned parenthood clinics without asking questions. Mobilize. Fucking

Not hard enough, it would seem. You were warned by numerous citizens in other countries, and yet-as always-you continually ignored all the obvious signs. Your Senate, your house, your political offices have all been overthrown, and yet there are still people on Twitter and Facebook saying "love will triumph" and

So he hands the reigns to Pence? Much, much worse

You stupid motherfuckers blew it…your country was already a cesspool of murder, ignorance and hate, and now you just gave license to turn that into a televised shit show. Do not look to the world to open its borders to those of you who would choose to flee-you will only find the same acceptance you have shown to

Hold on to that dream…

Being streamed in canada at all?

There are goals, and then there are heroic achievements. ….give that man all the hero cookies, for he belongs amongst the Hall Of Heroes! I shall call him "Sal" "Sal DuBain"

Damn Congress of Shitty Nostalgia! We may never know the all-important SC7 vote! 'Ain't no deadlock like an S Club deadlock

Has anyone heard what S Club 7 has to say on the matter? Are they split down the middle? Let the public know, AV Club!