
I've said the same thing about animation for years-as I'm sure many of you have

Sorry-fat finger accidentally hit down vote…situation rectified

Incredible film….no pun intended

Anyone else hoping for an Inhumanoids movie? The evil that lies WITHIN!
That was the shit

Hey, gotta hate someone

Not that I need your permission, but thank you none the less!
Bono, in my house, is a curse word the likes of which my kids know not to utter…"He's a fuckin Bono!", Bronwen has been fond of saying, until we had to teach her that a "Bono" is something you leave in a toilet, and it's just not proper to call a person

And here I was, just the other day, smiling to myself and thinking "well, this world IS a stinking, steaming, revolving rock of stupidity and shit, but at least it's nigh impossible to hate Bono anymore than I already do"

I bet you can be even more attractive if you "like" the AV Club Facebook page! Eternal, good looking life!

So, since I deleted my Facebook over a year ago, should I make funeral arrangements? How to invite all my friends, though? Hmm…this is a dilly of a pickle…
Fuck it. Open casket, open bar, open invitations! Come one, come all, come often to the "Bukkake To The Afterlife" event!

His parents are shitty, shitty people that used their boy for cash and fame. Now, while that explains some of his struggles, it doesn't excuse nor account for most of his behaviour; you can't stand at the altar, arms spread and lavish in the idolatry and worship without the loss of some humanity.

No, because he stole impressions from Dana Carvey and claimed them as his own, openly campaigned to get Carvey fired from Wayne's World, presented a recurring skit on snl (Simon in the bathtub) that was stolen from a popular BBC cartoon and "wrote" the theme song that was, again, stolen note-for-note from the

Creemore 'til I die.

I don't know what that is…the Pentagon thing, though, is hacky as hell…
Beware that 6 flags shit, though-that be real

Now, follow me down this rabbit hole:
Take the root word of "pentagram"-"pent"…now, think of "pent up"…"up", get it? Like, heaven…now, what takes people up?
Planes. Pilots. Pilate. Pontius Pilate.
Pontius Pilate is God. Pilates. Stretching. Twisting.
Up and twisting.
Roller Coaster.

I can't wait for the inevitable Brown novel trying to convince us that Camelot was real and the Pentagon is a massive summoning circle for demons and roller coasters.
Actually, I can

Mike Myers is a fucking idiot

Why let facts get in the way of making a point?

It does have that "I'm-so-doing-this-because-I-have-to" feeling, doesn't it? I wonder if he was texting his bff during the show, too?

So, a lot of people wasted an hour or so, I guess?
I didn't watch it, and don't plan on continuing with this show, but I can't really be all that vitriolic towards a show I spent many hours with. That's just me, though-you do you, as they say.

Shouldn't that be "I thinks"?