
I remember watching a Just For Laughs special back in '91 or so with this guy, and I loved it. It always stuck with me because you could feel the anger and bitterness in his stand up. The other guys on the bill-that I remember-were Al Lubelle and Jon Stewart

As an aethiest, I find it hard to believe this even exists.

I'm only familiar with Remy LaCroix…I like what that says about me.

I figured most were like me-pay for Netflix, and have an android box. As a result, I'm inundated with shows, and don't really "show dump", because there's always something to watch if need be.
I also play more video games than watch tv, so that might have something to do with it, too.

2U, Bono!

Just watched this for the first time this morning after dropping my kids off at school. Excellent film, and probably one of-I imagine-the truest depictions of a sociopathic killer.

Excellent point.

I really want Canada to build a wall around the United States…this shit is becoming insufferable.

If it can happen to me, my wife, my kids or other loved ones, then it's potentially horrific


So, anyone else think there should be a shout-out article to NoMeansNo? They just retired last month after almost 40 years of activity, and to not acknowledge them with some sort of article/write-up/For Our Consideration or something seems like…well, it seems pretty shitty, to be honest. Like 'em or not (but really,

I absolutely love this game, and can't wait to play "The Last Guardian".

They have a secret, unknown menu-BM me and I'll tell you how to order from it.

I'll have to agree with several people here-this is inane bullshit, and it's sad that you've even bothered to share this shit.
I'm just…Christ, fuck you and the crap you've become, AV Club-I'm out.

After reading a synopsis of these books, and finding out that Charles Manson is not the writer, I think I'll stick with my usual literary genre:
Text in JRPG's.

I always loved the relationship between Hattie Braverman and her mom (can't remember the name), if for no other reason than the remarkable physical similarities in the 2 unrelated actors. That, at it was a phenomenal show.

Neegan and Carl.

I'll be buying this for my kids and streaming Diamanda Galas' "The Litanies Of Satan" constantly through it.

