
Without going into too much detail, one of the reasons I quit Facebook was an argument I got into with a guy who was ranting-like, I imagine foaming-at-the-keys ranting-about the "shitty service" he got from an adult woman at a McDonalds on his way to work. He complained that he was late for work because of her

Remy? Id like to pump her spice….if…you know…what I mean….what do I mean?

Hmmm…it does leave room for ambiguity…
THERE is no way Red Dragon is better than Manhunter.

No way is Red Dragon better than Manhunter.

It seems as if this writer assumes "cult classic" to be an album released before the turn of the century.
In other words, he's

You know Gordie, in Winnipeg? Him and his brother Lorne used to use 'em as snowshoes a while back…you know, before the moose accident up in Kapaskasing….geez, what right left turn that was, eh?


Ouch…grudging upvote.


The Search For Dr. Tongue!

Most of them double as polar bear sturdy sheilds and portable dogsleds.

Id bet good money that a big reason it failed is the hatred and distrust most of us feel towards Rogers-their customer service is awful, and their habit of changing packages and offering bizarre bundles has fostered a lot of ill-will.

Yeah, I'd say they're different, but I'd also say that, while neither "define" one another, they are important factors in determining each other.
I used to be fairly close-minded in the idea of "gender fluidity", or "gender indentification", but it was the birth of my children, and reflecting on what mattered to me in


Agreed. That seems like holier-than-thou posturing by the person using the phrase….

As a father of a boy and girl, I really don't care how my children define themselves in regards to gender, and really-at their ages-it isn't really a discussion. I think it's weird-and fucking creepy-how much of an interest parents have in their children's sexuality and whatnot.

"That's Great Grandpa to you, fucker"

I'll have to sit down and binge…was it ever available in Canada? I knew of its existence, but never noticed on any channel in Canada.

I have never watched an episode of SGCTC, and that seems like a crime, the more I read about it.

In the words of Kenny Brocklestein:
Hmmm, Touché!