
Fucking gay

Because of the recent NoMeansNo retirement, I'm going as Mr. Wrong, my son is going as "Little Heino" and my daughter will be going as "Little Robbie Hanson"…no matter what they say

Cold lookin for that hero?

My bias prevents me from disagreeing, but I'd argue "Wrong" as the greatest album ever written-certainly by punk standards-until my dying breath.

In unrelated-but sad-news, Rob Wright, bass player and singer/songwriter for NoMeansNo, has officially retired from music, thereby ending the 35 year life of the original math-rock, jazz-punk band.
Seriously, this site needs to do some sort of write-up on these guys…

This has been a sad week for me for reasons I won't discuss, and this is just the rotten fucking cherry on the cake of shit.
"Every Sperm Is Sacred" is-IMO-the greatest musical number ever commited to film, and we have him to thank.
My heart breaks for him and those closest to him.

He Dan-zigs, while they Only Dan-Zag
Zuggtmoy for the block, John!

Perhaps I'm in the minority, but I deleted my Facebook about 10 months or so ago, and I really don't see a situation where I create another account. I DID announce it, but in a more "this is how to get a hold of me" kind of way, not some dramatic "fuck you all" thing. I do have a twitter account, but I think I've used

Maybe $9 a month IS too much…

That echoes my sentiments exactly…but, I will watch it, if for no other reason than to get angry.

I always make sure my hos come first

As long as Demogorgon is ok, I can sleep at night

Upvoted for remembering all the ho's in the middle.

Not if you have the Amulet of Orcus.

Ladies & Gentlmen, Seth MacFarlane


Anyone wanna bet Clooney awoke to this news and just muttered "fuck"?

Well, like my mom used to always say: "If you can't say something nice, then you must be talking about that half-wit Fallon, because he's human garbage"

One of these hats would go well with my 20+ year old "OJ Innocent Until Proven Guilty" t-shirt.

If she finds my sex life, have her message my publicist.