
I bet he uses a spoon for his soup. Pfft-preening sissy.

Ah, I miss the Happy Flowers.

Saw him perform this on Colbert months ago, and was surprised how good he was

The King, the Duke and the Prince
are dead
Lord make way for the Lady in red
Lord, make way for the Lady, I said
Her eyes are blank, her face is stone
Her laugh will chill your very bones

So noted. Have a nice day.

I might find a theatre that's screening this locally, and go and shoot as many people as I can.

The 1999 Godzilla…the trailer made it seem like it would be a terrifying, awesome re-boot of Godzilla…instead….fuck, I was angry

Id be upset at my indifference if I were a bystander in my own life…since that isn't the case…

You might want to learn the definition of words and terms before you cast aspersions. You certainly don't have to, but if you don't want to look like an idiot, it might help.

I watched War Paint, and I have to agree….she's nice to look at, but quite tiring to listen to. I don't care if that makes me seem shallow or chauvinistic, it's my truth.

Id say he surprised me by not being dead.

I remember Kurt Browning trying to bring "edginess" to figure skating a while back, and it was just…

That statement is true if "our" represents his band. Beyond that…just…no.

Look for MY memoirs, coming this fall!
"Prematurity Meets Immaturity: From Fatherhood To Dad"

October 6th here….I don't think anyone-save my brother-in-law-shares my birthday, and that's the way I likes it.

Abort! Abort!

My wife and I just started watching the show, and finished the first season last night, and I'm surprised by how much I like the show. I believe it's in large part to the chemistry between Padalecki and Ackles, and their apparent joy at making the show.

Yay for Tim Meadows!
Big fucking boo for Sudekis!
Ipso facto, pass!

Is that picture from a Hustler shoot?

Yeah, that was quite beautiful.