
Polar Bear? Puppy Paws?

Well put. It helps if you approach Sam's writing with the understanding that he's not very well informed, funny, or insightful…actually, for my money (which is Canadian, so rate accordingly), it makes his articles kinda humorous in a different way.

You wish she didn't apologize? Why is that?



Would this work in, say, listening to Dennis Leary in high school and thinking "this is fucking hilarious", and then hearing Bill Hicks and thinking "he should be called 'Bill Hack'" , and then looking at the dates they were recorded and thinking "wow, my life is a lie"?

What if you have a very complex attraction to disturbing imagery? What then?

That twist at the end really fucked me up!

I seem to recall a hilarious strip of Odie and Jon feeding Garfield a nutrient enema…actually, I seem to recall it was horrifying..

Truly a big loss. A staggering list of credits, and yet it almost doesn't seem enough.
RIP, Mr. Polito

My kids introduced me to TTG, and it's one of the funniest shows on tv, imho.

Props for Alonzo Mosely!
Personally, Jon Jon McFuckpants-an alias from Percy Spencer-is my favourite.

I've NEVER heard that "Africa" line by ToTo, and now-playing it in my head-it's shocking I never once heard, or imposed, those lyrics. Thank you for that. :)

I certainly hope so; he seems like a smug fuckface, and he's not funny and can't act for shit.
Not that Sam shares those same qualities, but he seems to think he's funnier than he is…or, that his writing attests.

Yeah, he has an air of Sudekis about him for sure.


I'm not trying to be a Big Dick about it. Listen, try not to think of it as The End Of All Things, maybe approach it like a walk down memory lane- a Joyful Reunion with your past and music history, before we entered the Dark Ages of I ❤️ Radio and shit like that. 'Til I Die, I'll proclaim that one inspired the other.

That's the one!
The simalarity between the "any old rags and bones" and the breakdown in Spoonman is especially striking. Nothing wrong with it, but give em a listen back-to-back, and then tell me I'm

If there's one thing women are "being", it's completely honest about motherhood…loudly, brashly, defiantly opinionated and loud about motherhood. From how to breast feed, wether you should breast feed, natural vs. C-section birth, and any other fucking thing, there is a congestion of annoying personalities that write

Even Stranger Things? More Stranger Things? Stranger Things 2: Eclectic Boogaloo?