
Anyone else notice Spoonman sounds suspiciously like Rags & Bones?
Of course you do!

I have never seen this before today….while it is ridiculous and beyond ham-fisted and corny, mining it for humour seems…witless? Lazy? I dunno….Saved By The Bell was an awful show, and I really wish we could stop re-visiting it.

That made me horny.

Aren't all weapons deadly?

To say nothing of the Hills and the Stones.

Maybe I can Skype play the winner?

Let me check with my wife, first

As a Canadian, I find this contest exclusionary and potentially racist.

As my wife said "the only real winner was the cat"

I think you might be right. Another alternative might have been for the show to stick with a pace for an episode; I found that timelines were either plodding, or very quick, all within the span of a few minutes.

I was thinking that, too

My wife and I really enjoyed this show, except for that sudden shift in the character of Chandra. It was quite telling when my wife leaned into me and said "Is it wrong that I'm more concerned with the cat's welfare than anyone else's?"
All in all, I think it was the cast-Michael K. Williams in particular-that really

That's a bit of a leap.

Johnny Hollow
The Smalls
Trigger Happy
I, Braineater
Spirit Of The West
Lava Hey
Ford Pier

The lead singer also filmed a documentary about introducing hockey in global areas that otherwise wouldn't know it, like Saudia Arabia.

My kids got me into that cartoon, and I thank them everyday for it.

Max Vinyl.

Oh, and I see your My Dog Popper, and raise you

Acid Flashback!
"No, I'm straight edge-just ask my good friend Ian MacKaye!"
The end of that song was my answering machine message throughout high school.

To continue:
Me, Mom & Morgantaller
Thomas Trio & The Red Albino
Doug & The Slugs
DayGlo Abortions