Jay Hova

I loved Vaughan! He definitely was a jerk/dick but it added to his appeal. Since drinking that Super Max he became more of a jerk. He will definitely be missed. I don't know that actors name but he is a great performer!

I agree. I was a little disappointed about both of their deaths. Rita would fit right in with the people that purchased Max Ranger.

Yeah I agree. I think Ryan was a miscast. I think his character and looks are great for the show but not as Alex's love interest.

Yes! The Ben Carson reference was really weird. I wasn't sure if I heard correctly because it didn't make any sense and it was unnecessary.

I agree! This show is a whole bunch of nothing. Nothing about it makes sense. None of it seems to be logical or even thought out.

I don't think Caleb is the bomber. I think that whole reveal was basically dangling a carrot over our head.

It is the Alex show and that's what's most annoying. Alex is beautiful but it can't be the only thing that carries this show. Ryan's ex called her beautiful at least 3X in one conversation, c'mon son!

This had to be the worst episode. I have decided I only watch this show to see how ridiculous it can get. This episode has to be the most ridiculous.

I loved the shampoo conversation because it was a real conversation. I was thinking this was a talk that took place in real life that writer took part in or observed and incorporated it into the script.

I have never cared for the actor that plays Mike but he has done an excellent job with this character.

I felt bad for Simone the entire season. She really didn't have a fighting chance. I'm still hoping she's a live. Bear didn't have to kill her. He could have easily let her go with the promise to never come back.

The Butcher of Luverne would be freaking awesome. Ed going from a regular guy with a humble dream to the head of a mob outfit!! This is sure to please Peggy.

There is a 30+ yr time difference between the 2 seasons. That's probably makes up for the medical practice.

Lou, as an older man, walks with limp in season one. He said it was from being shot. I can't remember if he said he was shot during this time or another. I believe it's why he retired and moved to a different part of Minnesota

Oh that's an interesting thought! Bear being the boss that Billybob's character killed? That would be cool!

I laughed so hard at the kitchen scene. Peggy talking about making it to convention (or whatever it is) and Ted Danson telling her "… your husband is currently in jail". Hilarious. Such a perfect scene. Ted Danson's expression and delivery was priceless!

I thought "shut up" so many times watching this episode. The dialogue is so cheesy. So much ridiculousness happens. But I can't turn away.

White middle aged men are the creepiest and they say the weirdest things (not just on tv but in real life ).

Yes! That would be such an easy fix. Just tell him it's a side effect.

I was thinking that the virus is so tiny that it could seep through the pores in the condom and be transmitted that way.