Dragon Tattoo

A+ The Episode in Which Oliver Beats The Reverse Flash Like A Bitch

Yeah, OK. You strike me as someone who lies to their friends and then gets indignant when they're upset because you had "the best intentions".

You must be young. We didn't even have CGI in our day. We used this thing called our imagination (and muppets and claymation).

Fuck yes. When she told those two fucks off…oh god yes.

I was wondering why Wells' speech to Cisco was so much more overtly malicious this time…until the brilliant reveal that it was never him, but Everyman the entire time (which also helpfully explained why he was slow enough to get shot and his hand never vibrated).

God damn, they just need to kill Felicity off at this point. She is useless and drags every scene she's in down. I rarely groan audibly at TV shows, but that sex scene was one of the few times I have.

After tonight's ending, I think we all know this show is a Disney movie.

I love this show.

>And no hospitals ever do experimental procedures? At all? Then how do they ever get done in the first place?

Captain Lance learned that Oliver was "The Arrow" from the leader of a League of Assassins. Literally. You think he actually shared that with anyone? His "knowing" that Oliver is The Arrow means exactly jack shit, because he can never share his sources, or risk being laughed out of the department/having his badge

I look forward to seeing you all turn on Flash as quickly as you turned on Arrow when it gets to season three and you realize it did it's big "Slade" plotline in the first fucking season.

>he could have offered to transfer him to a hospital that does that stuff

I laughed out loud. That's how pretty much any normal person would see him.

Now we know why they killed 3 black characters in a row this season.

We're halfway to The Walking Dead Ninja Turtles. We just need a cranky asshole to show up using some sai next.

Ugh. No one likes Green Lantern. I won't even pretend to, unlike Marvel fans and Ant-Man.

Sure thing, hoss. Enjoy Ant-man.

Knew it.

Is that you, Jesse?

I swear this was a B+ when it was originally reviewed but seems to have been changed to an A-.