
……Yes it's good justification in there own mind. They have a reason to turn heel. What reason would Sasha have to turn heel as champion? And heels are supposed to be looked down upon. They aren't supposed to be liked or respected. Which means that if people think Sasha is pathetic for turning heel that is a good thing.

I think her type of heat does work for the streak. Mainly because she's unlikable that people won't ever try to turn her face. She gets genuine heat, a rarity in the WWE today where most heels either get artificial heat or get straight up cheered.

"I think that you're conflating your own views with the majority." Isn't that what you're doing right now with your post. And I know quite a few people that don't like Sasha specifically for how overbearing she is. I get why she's overbearing but that doesn't stop me from becoming annoyed by it. And her tuning heel

Exactly. Becoming heel works with good justification. That's why Neville's heel turn works so well. Him being ignored by the WWE universe and the booking world make it believable. Sasha losing then turning heel makes so much more sense than Sasha winning then turning heel.

Character consistency is always an interesting thing. And Streaks although annoying at times do have the merit in putting someone over.

Nia went after her because she's one of the top faces and Nia hasn't beaten her yet. Don't know where you got the motivation that she went after he for her nickname where Nia literally called her overrated which in itself is good enough motivation to go after someone. I guess we differ on the Broken Sasha character

I guess I'll disagree on two points. I don't think Sasha vs Nia for the belt would have been interesting whatsoever. Sasha having this broken attitude after losing the belt clean adds a breath of fresh air to her otherwise insanely stale face character. Bayley vs Charlotte works because they displayed them not as an