
Um, people will die of SOMETHING. Cardiovascular is the most common and also most "natural" cause of death. There will always be a number one killer. I rather take cardiovascular than Alzheimer or cancer or President Trump.

You are a true hero.

I see the problem that is you very clearly, yes.

Now reaching for autocorrect errors. Digg your hole deepeer, asshat.

U Mad, Nazi?

You are desperately reaching, fuckwad. Accept your defekt.

Everyone had the right to assault Hitler, always. You lost, dumbass.

Well, thank you for weighing in with zero arguments except a link to a laughable D-class magazine citing some random people who do not even recognize the fallacies of their own premises, fuckhead. Not surprising that people like you are unable to argue and have to cite "authorities".

Will there be hot catholic student sex?

Holy shit, you are actually insane.

"Oh whats that it appears your lame ass name first came from Return of the king"

I'll refuse to accept my death and offer some alternative facts on that matter.

What? I thought all Swedish woman were young, blonde as fuck, gorgeous and always naked and horny?

[Chief from the Naked Gun] My uncle died there!

You are assuming they are humanoids, but ARE they?

Just give up on teaching AV Club good journalism. It won't happen.

"First off that's ignoring the point made, branding anyone you don't like
as a Nazi whether they are or not as a justification for unprovoked

WoW, no joke yet about this movie surely going on for at least nine hours?

This guy looks like a meth-addicted Bargain Basement version of Viggo Mortensen.

Yeah whatever, who cares, 34 comments, but surely The Expanse would get less?