
At the moment I think Deanna and Aaron are the only stand out characters at ASZ. Jessie seems sweet and is very pretty, but I feel nothing for her character so far. I also was expecting Rick and Jessie's chemistry to be stronger. I know she is married but I wanted to see some intensity between the two. It could

I have my doubts about the spin off series, but I will watch. I guess it would be cool to see a different city and new characters. I just hope it is completely different from the original. I want to see new walker kills and maybe tone down on the drama a bit. We shall see.

I also think the show wouldn't work without Rick. This is Rick's journey and his absence would diminish the show. They would have to replace him with a strong character(not Daryl). I love Daryl but I think he is too much of a loner.

I think we all are guilty of enjoying bad t.v. If some enjoy watching TWD to point out its flaws more power to them.I don't think this is the best show out there. However, I don't think it's terrible either.

It seems like you are taking things too personal. I stated my opinion just as you. Maybe you should ignore other people's opinions if you can't handle it like an adult.

I agree with you regarding Maggie not being concerned about Beth. The writers screwed that up and I'm still not happy about that. Hopefully the show will listen to some of the fans criticism and not mess up future storylines. This happens to be my favorite show too, and I will continue to watch till the end. I'm

Russel, thanks for replying in a civil manner, unlike some others on this site. I completely understand that every one is entitled to their own opinion. I also don't think the show is perfect. I just get a little irritated when people complain and don't do anything about it. In the future I will ignore the comments.

This show will not get canceled. Even if they lost some viewers it will continue to go on. I'm not sure about it lasting 12 seasons because it's become the show people love to hate.

The shitty comments on here are really tired and lame. Stop watching the show if you think it's bad. There are other shows to watch so please move on. Some fans still enjoy TWD and like the new direction it's taking.