Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

Not to piss on your parade, but excuse me, I must urinate on this procession.

I have two friends who play, both in their mid-30s. They're drawn to the multiplayer.

Let's have a round of applause for Alex Jones, ladies and gentlemen! He's fighting to keep his kids in his life, but he still has time to address the global conspiracy of TV and film enthusiasts.

Still a few more years for the WWIII adaptation, but we're close.

I learned how to parse facts from Alex Jones, so I don't have to accept anything unless it feels right to me.

Or syrup.

Why don't you report on the thing you put in that article I didn't pay any attention to so I could get mad at you for not reporting on the thing you reported on?

There's so much stupid with that product. If you live in the evacuation zone of a power plant, you can get iodine for free. But no one is supposed to take it constantly — it doesn't work like that. It's taken after exposure. There's no benefit to continuous use. And it's really only something useful for young people,

Maybe an age thing? A time thing? A perfect storm of conditions? But while the second part of that statement is true, the first part was not for many. I actually attended a conference at Harvard because of a myspace group I was part of, meeting a dozen people from around the country. Met a lady friend (via a myspace

If you choose to be ignorant and wrong, sometimes people correct you. If that makes you feel bad, you have yourself to blame. Not me.

Doesn't matter. That's not how it works. The reality of our legal system, which I am personally quite grateful for, is that he is not going to get off on a technicality. No, he was CONVICTED on a technicality, and there was never enough justification to call him a murderer in the first place.

I get it. The system is working as intended but you're convinced he's guilty therefore think it's weak. Good thing no one needs evidence of innocence though because that would truly suck.

If radio interviews can get a murderer out of prison, there was never enough evidence to convict in the first place. Sorry if you need to catch up on 200 years of the legal system, but that's kinda how it works.

So much of my life has been spent sticky and empty and searching for alcohol.

Myspace. Your argument is invalid.

We covered this. Should I copy paste or can you even read? Are you just a misogyny bot?

He was above her in the power structure. Which is harassment. One does not have to directly report to the harasser.

You just answered your own question. So again, you're a troll or a jerk.

What makes you think she didn't?

I'm glad that there is, apparently, nothing on tonight. I'm super behind on everything. And only two episodes into MST3K, which is tragic. I actually feel guilty that I haven't been able to comment on The Expanse, since I complained before it was brought back. I'm sure I was just one of many drops in a bucket, of