Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

I'll give Powerless a try for the same reason I'll be giving the new Duck Tales a try: Danny Pudi.

There's often not a lot of difference.

Everything is a political statement. If you can't immediately identify what position some form of art prefers or is promoting, that's because it's reinforcing the status quo. So what that redneck really means is not "keep your politics out of my beer" but "I want my beer to subtly reinforce my politics and not their

I've read through the books in The Expanse twice now. I think the show actually has the potential to be better. They're not bad books—-not at all, they're worth reading—-but they really seem to have no destination in mind. Just with the advance knowledge of events from the six books, they've been able to bring in

I think it says it was leftover from the material generated and gathered for The World of Ice & Fire, one of those guidebooks. Probably his publisher's idea and not his originally. Probably.

It really is. He looks good there, right up until you notice how much of his gut is actually in his pants.

If we tie him up in a basement with an old early 90s word processor and a fast food catering service, will he finish faster or slower?

I actually, for quite awhile, thought it might be a friend of mine who happens to be a Bizarro writer. Being slightly neurotic myself, I was still trying to figure out if I should ask him when various conversations and events made it clear it wasn't him.

I think "a lot" is relative.

"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, heroes in a half shell. Turtle Power!"

I could never decide which was the scarier prediction from Demolition Man: President Schwarzenegger or all restaurants being Taco Bell.

I got a Community notification for this?

Oh you need fluff, fluff, fluff to make a fluffernutter. Marshamallow Fluff and lots of peanut butter.

But we did end up with a 7/11 on every street corner, which may be worse.

I also watched them in pairs. I was actually trying out a thing with streaming shows and was rotating one episode each from four or five shows. But I still did pairs when it was time for Unfortunate Events.

I'd really like AV Club to consider reviewing these in pairs next time around.

All you need is a refrigerator and a cool hat.

Isn't that a Twilight Zone episode?

Is there supposed to be one this week? I assumed not, but I'm just some asshole.

Most of this doesn't even vaguely resemble reality. But I'll just stick to one point, because it's the point the article made most clearly and the one that Trump was the most stupid about, and help you with that.