Trix are for Kids Say the Darn

You aren't entitled to speech rights on a private, for-profit platform.

I can understand wanting that, but I happen to know I'm the only person with my name in the world. Very few people have my last name, a Westernization of a Greek name. And none that do have a commonly Irish first name with it.

While that may be true, unfortunately, the President of the United States is now a drunk uncle making off-color jokes at Thanksgiving.

How do you know it's not a genuine prediction? Because it's Block & Tackle.

I believe it, but only because of some procedural rules I was reading about somewhere. There are parts of it that are possible to change by amending using a process that cannot be filibustered. I think it involved circling in a counterclockwise direction around a pile of salt while waving two monkeys? Anyway, they


Two words: Jersey Shore.

Nah, just a douchey asshole. Or someone who meets too many douchey assholes.

While I think that's a noble cause, I disagree that voting for a third party for president helps that cause. Vote Green for town council, for school board, for state government — that's how you break a two party system.

A peanut butter sandwich is any sandwich that contains peanut butter. Be it a peanut butter and jelly, a peanut butter and banana, or a fluffernutter.

That's part of my screen name, if Disqus wasn't a jerk. Trix are for kids say the darndest things that make you go hmmm.

Kelly Ayotte v. Maggie Hassan. Please Maggie, ride that anti-Trump wave right into the Senate.

I prefer Vest Vorld, starring Leslie Nielsen, the secret sequel to Dracula: Dead and Loving It.

Which form of disgusting?

It was a trap, headline making question. Any answer would create headlines, even no answer.

That's patently not true. There is only one rule change I'm aware of attributed to Tom Brady, and he wasn't the only QB injured in that particular fashion. He happened to be the last straw, but if you really think 31 NFL owners did it just for Brady, you're insane. They didn't do it for Tom. They did it for their

Flashing as a protest act is protected speech in the United States. There's precedent. I'm not sure if it would qualify in this case — in prior cases, I believe indecency laws were being protested. But there's an argument.

It's actually 27.02, if you include the comments.

The number of people I know who stayed with a person despite cheating is rather high. The number of people I know who did so because of ambitions for higher office is zero.

If Bill O'Brien were a Stranger Things character which Stranger Things character would he be?