Nick Russo

you have to remember "and sometimes Y"

30% of the material not really mattering…I know (read: assume) that that's deliberate hyperbole, but come on man/girl, you can't really mean that. That's just ignorance.

Can anyone shed light on the dynamic / relationship between Philip and Elizabeth and Arkady and his Rezidentura? I've always been confused about that, since I know they're both working for the Centre, but as far as I can tell there isn't much interaction between the two groups. Thanks.

Sunday night fanfic! Love it.

Todd, you blew my mind with your talk of reading that chapter in the book from Jamie's perspective and the significance that that bears. I obviously realize the novelty of having chapters with different point-of-views, but I had not thought of that at all with regards to what seeing the sex scene through Jamie's eyes

Wow ok thank you. Appreciate it.

Ok I'm confused. What school does Lip go to again? I thought it was MIT, but that it's in Massachusetts and his roommate gave him his academic stuff…