
*crowd cough, judgmental murmuring*

Here! Here! Granted, I would still follow the old writing staff to the ends of the earth. There really is a lot of quality writing kicking around the AV Club. IV's FYC on the hidden Goddard short may be the best piece of film writing I've read this year. TOS seems to shout this place out plenty in the Todays Film

You must be a tarp rep from the tarp store; the one on second, in the tarp district!

I am glad you brought up the Lange/Finny performances. I liked seeing a movie as big and broad as Burton makes 'em give an older couple moments to have genuine chemistry and to take their relationship seriously. It a big reason why Big Fish is one of the few Burton films I return to every now and then.

This has been a pretty eerie exchange. What I enjoy in the commentariate here, that this brave age of Disqus seems to threaten to undermine, is commenters actually giving each other the benefit out the doubt to hear each other out perhaps due to a shared sense of history and/or reading comprehension/compositional

Really, out of all the movies to have this weird try, try, try again method of arriving at a name, it is oddly appropriate. I just hope in 5, 10, and 25 years from now they release a new edition with a completely new name each time.

He tried, but they somehow failed to connect. *swings golf club*

I Might Be Wrong, so Just leave me to Sulk.

No Bones about it.

Unleashed and JCVD are two films that get me deep deep down. In the arena of straight action I think The Raid is really hard to beat. All rate about equal in me esteem and higher than the likes of The One, The Professional, The Protector, Face/Off for me. My pedigree for action movies is spending as little money as

The little Phopey (I got my handle from my Nintendo characters) I have on my Wii is a mix between Hitler and Edna from The Incredibles. She is the one-and-only dictator of the bunch. Every other Mii is a respectable person of the humanities.

I did this a while back but only not babysitting and entirely by myself. Now I have Mii versions of Stanley Kubrick, Jorge Louis Borges, and Kurt Vonnegut sitting on the hard drive of the loneliest Wii in the world.

Asami! It has been too long since the last season of Korra. Or Gravity Falls for that matter.

I am male, and I grew up in a family where there was an absolutely devastating amount of sexual violence, particularly at the expense of kids and wives. There isn't much of a line between how the young men in my family took to it over the women. It pretty much eviscerated any positive sense of self across the board

Is it possible not to read this in Ewan McGregor's voice? Personally I find form conversation to be the most irresistible kind of communication, so I'll beat on, boats against the current.

It had tone problems, eye-rolling music choices, and a fucked up representation of a sexual assault of a woman/and pretty much problems with women in general. The opening was really good though.

I've read a bit on Bergman so I feel like I can attempt an answer. There are some films of his that he considers failures; as in the entire thing. I think Truffaut wouldn't mind him saying so but would argue they were still infinitely more significant than anything someone like Fincher or Lumet would make (I am

While it makes sense for me to see it as Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut or attributing Wes Anderson ownership of any movie he has made, I wouldn't go as far as to say it's David Fincher's Zodiac or Sydney Lumet's Network. What makes me uncomfortable is the value statement at the heart of the theory. Those latter films are

The choices he makes as the creative head of the film during
production would be the only way to distinguish him an auteur or not. His working style is the only thing that matters as far as auteur theory is concerned. [sorry if this is a double post]