
Eh. He posed absolutely no threat and Danny was treating him as a surrogate father. He was still very useful against any Hand remnants/as EASILY manipulated muscle. Should have been stretched out, with actual conflict as harold starts using the company for evil. And it was pretty frustrating, with all of Harold's

I agree with a lot of your points. I was ranting a bit up-thread about Colleen's storyline this season that bugged me because it seemed to retcon the earlier Colleen arc by having her have secret financial stability and a Hogwarts to go with her kids on the weekends. It felt telegraphed in the beginning that Colleen

Yeah finished the season and I still really disagree with Hand Ninja School. It makes Colleen's personal scenes in the early part of the show make no sense. She's worried about rent at her dojo, is trying dejectedly to get people to sign up for more classes, seems unfulfilled in her life, and most of her students

Yeah they needed him to go full Aang from Avatar, and trying to have this hodge podge of characteristics, including being seemingly on the verge of a psychotic break during his flashbacks, stalking and/or breaking into Joy and Colleen's places did not come off as charming at all.

I wanted to keep track, but it became impossible.

Just finished the series. I strongly disagree. The last episode was particularly bad. Dialogue was from the same place as the worst of Arrow, the written plot dictates what the characters do instead of the other way around, to the point where can't tell why most people where doing what they were doing.

Yeah super confusing. So apparently there's a grassroots left wing of the Hand, but we've seen nothing of Hand v Hand violence schism while both Nobu and Gao have both been operating freely in New York. Honestly it feel very much like they've made it up as they've gone along each season.

Like all of the Hand mythology in Daredevil, all of it was frustratingly vague.

Holy crap you're right, it never occured to me that the Meachum kids were only there for 3 years. The show made it seem like they've had control of the company for closer to a decade.

I loved all of the Meechums. Most lines between them have really interesting dynamics. Best obviously is between Ward and his dad.

Just finished that one. Overall I did not like that twist. A confusing addition in the Hand mythology just for the sake of a twist. Plus it felt like it retconned Colleen's motivations when we first met her. Struggling between rent for her dojo, her frustration at not using her potential, and helping her kids stay

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I'm on episode 10 Jesus Christ its the Marvel netflix dive. What the hell is going on with this Ninja Hogwarts and why is Colleen and her street kids a part of it. It feels like such a retcon from her previous character as well as the histories of her kids that are using her dojo as a break from bad homes.

Yeah I realized by the second episode that Colleen should have been the main focus on the show. I wanted to know everything about her backstory. And Danny's while being mysterious, is pretty telegraphed already for genre savvy fans that there is nothing particularly interesting or much more to know about it. Intense

Or some May versus May awesomeness. Ming-na Wen is a national treasure I tell ya

I would have liked it better if it had come from a client who walks into her office. But I liked the character dynamics with Simpson, Jessica, and her sister in the initial kidnap mission. The trying to blow up kilgrave mission, the agonization over his faceless buddies, and the heel turn murders from his serum felt

More standalone episodes could work well. And I admit it's not constructive advice, but I don't find it constructive either when people mention that changing the show's set episode structure is a possible option. Especially when there's such writing missteps like Luke Cage's secret brother/lifelong friend Striker

More standalone episodes, more use of secondary characters less emphasis on capture, release, and repeat for killgrave, rely less on source material, don't have a crazy supersoldier subplot that comes out of nowhere.

Nah, I always found that to be an easy excuse for the writers. They should really just write better endings. Daredevil season 2, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones. they really need to do a better job of developing a story that can fit 13 episodes or that at the very least doesn't devolve into a mess.