
Ugh, episode 1 was not very promising. Though Papa Meechum has an intriguingly scary undercurrent, Danny is not a very interesting protagonist. I think Colleen would have been a better focus than coorporate drama politics.

Eh they both brought out the worst in each other, it's hard to just blame one person. Yes Luke was the giver and Lorelai was the taker in the relationship, but Luke would never set proper boundries and become really resentful over it.

Everyone knew everything they needed to vote against Donald Trump and they didn't do it. It's not the media's fault for not educating us enough. They broadcasted every dumb tweet and the sexual assault boasting. He's a liar who boasted about torturing not only suspected terrorists but their families, and the list goes

It was Tahini's eye's going wide that made it hilarious.

It's unarguable. In the text of the show Aslaug has actual magical powers, from her being able to predict her son's serpent eye thing, predicting Ivar's unfortunate birth, to her having those visions of them falling into the water in the exact time it was happening. I don't remember too much about the Seer prophecies

I agree. Having characters have ambiguous dreams would be fine, but having Aslaug be a verifiable psychic was a bridge too far. Loki and Athlestan struggling in their own religious fever visions is good, but having an actual god walking around interacting with people is just dumb.

I feel kind of Y2K nuts typing this, but is anyone else thinking of literally stocking up on canned foods, water, batteries, and other possible necessaries in case of an intense trade war/actual war?

Not sure how controversial this opinion is around here, but I loathe The Witness. Will have more detailed thoughts when I'm not at work, but the game did such a good job of increasing the presence of this grand mystery and then just blah. Worst than Lost

Such a terrible plot. I would have preferred if they both happened to wake up at the same time, and the twist would be that Sheen-bot did it because he was lonely and wanted company. Basically to echo what everyone's said, so many different ways this plot could have gone

Hmm, I guess Sheen was the Master of Sex after all.

That's dumb, as that would clearly make less room for the swimming pools.

Random prediction that just occured to me. What would happen, if while President, Trump did something demonstrably illegal and, unwilling to deal with the prospect of prison, tried to flee to Russia?

I'm getting disgusted on a daily basis by all the people starting to cozy up to Donald Trump. I know that with him President soon, people will have to work with him, but I could have gone my entire life without hearing Bill Gates compare him to Kennedy for their great ideas for America. Ugh!

There are dozens of us. Dozens!

Almost all Netflix marvel shows have a sad tendency to fumble in the back quarter of their run to varying degrees of disaster.

Don't forget about the terrible victim shaming in the actual court transcripts

So I googled and found this article from the Daily Beast that does an acceptable job in going through a lot of the misconceptions people still have about the case primarily the judge and sentencing. It goes over the court transcripts, which has some blatantly terrible victim shaming in it as well.

That actually wasn't the actual sentencing. that was for a 90 day diagnostic evaluation, which is apparently used to determine if you can get probation, but he got leave 42 days in to work on a movie overseas. A movie I believe he signed on to after the rape. I said it down there and I'll say it again, fucking

He was allowed to go get an extension from his inital 90 day stint to go work on a movie overseas, which he signed on to working on after the rape apparently.

So, here's how it goes. Polanski entered a plea deal, that was not actually legally binding by the judge until the final day of sentencing. At which point, if the judge threw out the plea deal, which he was allowed to do, Polanski could withdraw his plea of guilt.