
I absolutely loved this episode. The call backs were wonderful. Getting endings for some characters, even the superfluous, one episode characters was really nice.

That's the dream!

Well, if they didn't get married then both get married within three years, because we saw the flash forward of them already, and I'm betting whoever those people are are going to be mad Robin and Barney woke up hung over together in a random hotel room thinking they had a baby together….. Also, this would also assume

Lily can't keep a secret. Proven fact. Not bitchy, just in-character. I mean, have you never absent-mindedly said something you were thinking even though you shouldn't have?

Minus the floating Robin at the end which, while a good metaphor, was cheesy, this was a great episode. I loved Barney training the next generation. Those scenes were fun, the writing was funny, and it shows Barney's character development which, for a long time I worried wasn't going to happen (a very one note

I actually liked a lot of this episode. I mean, sure, it sort of feels like a gap filler but there are a few spots that are (or will become) important that I liked, I thought some of the episode was funny, and I felt the pay-off's of the last 3 minutes worked.