john q

Yeah, I was 15 at the time and I'm taking it from that perspective. She was definitely known and was an up and coming talent but my point was that Stan says it in an incredulous way like she was already this massive icon with 10-15 lead roles by 1981/early 1982, "That's Meryl Streep???" That's a comment that would

That's interesting. Unitarians are usually quite liberal so like you said they might have been dealing more with life coping skills, etc. That was probably a much better experience than the one I was involved with.

When I was in high school in N.J. in the early 80's, they had this thing called "Campus Life" which is similar to what you're describing. It was a basically a youth evangelical group. They would do these massive pop-culture video presentations on huge screens in the auditorium. They were really impressive in that they

Yeah, I don't think "Guess" jeans came into fashion until the mid/late-80's. I was waiting to see some Jordache or Sasoon or Calvin Klein or Gloria Vanderbuilt designer jeans which were the big fashion statement in the early 80's.

My experience was that 50-70% of my group of friends in high school got really into this born-again christian youth group so there was a bit of peer pressure from the group. It was ostracizing for the kids not in the youth group because while they would be off playing basketball/volleyball or going to amusement park

Yeah, I remember my friend graduated from high school in '83 and that song was played about 3-4 times at his graduation party. So that must have been late June '83, which fits. That was the first summer my friends had their licenses so we spent almost the entire summer just driving around listening to the radio or

The Christian youth group was spot on in this episode. This was a big thing in the 80's among Born-Again Christian or Evangelist groups. I knew quite a few kids who got heavily involved with these groups. They set up small rec. centers near the church and would have ping pong and pool tables and basketball and

Yeah, you really get spoiled watching "Mad Men" because of the level of detail they go through to depict an exact time & place in the 1960's.

Yeah, it's a minor one. I just tend to notice a lot of the songs because I was in high school at the time so I can immediately remember where I was and what I was doing at the time. It's tricky with U.K. songs back then because they might have been released in the U.K. and yet not released or heard in the U.S. until

There was an anachronism when Paige was listening to "I Melt With You" by Modern English. That song wasn't known in the U.S. until it was was featured in the film "Valley Girl" which was released in late April of 1983. "I Melt With You" later became very popular on MTV during the late spring/early summer of 1983.

Yeah back then, it wasn't uncommon for a hit movie to stay in the theater for a year. I remember Star Wars played at the same movie theatre everyday for 2 years straight.

Well, I really thought they were in the Fall of 1981 because all the trees still have their leaves and then the colors are starting to turn and it's fairly warm out. The construction workers are outside working looking rather warm. Then there's that memo that it was January 1982 and I was kind of like "What?"

This episode is supposed to take place in January of 1982 and it looks like September/October in streets?

Yeah, I follow you, you could point to her as somebody who was an up and coming actress but but Meryl Streep wasn't "MERYL STREEP" the icon yet. The way Stan said it sounds like the way people talked about her during the mid to late 80's after she won the oscar for Sophie's Choice and done Silkwood and Out of Africa

The "That's Meryl Streep" comment felt like an anachronism for the fall of 1981. She was known by mainstream audiences from Kramer vs. Kramer but she wasn't an icon yet.

The Simpsons, "Valentine's Day/President's Day" was an all time classic. The president's day school play was classic especially the song, "We are the Mediocre Presidents."

I remember seeing "Paths of Glory" in my Senior year social studies class and I found the movie very powerful.

Extremely underrated and forgotten movie. It was surprisingly overlooked when it came out and had a kind of cult status among people who saw it on HBO in 1980.