
It depends. Sharknado-style b-movies are terrible and unwatchable. But certain people are able to pull it off. Decker is great because of the characters and logic of the show (you need to have seen On Cinema to get half the jokes, which also probably makes it hard to get into and hard to grow the audience). Garth

His only favorited video is a Starcraft 2 cast. Ron Livingston confirmed for giant nerd.

To my knowledge Wye Oak albums and shows sell really well??

Part of me suspects TCH isn't really dead, and Tim has reached a new low and is faking the whole thing to try and get some of that "Tears in Heaven" success.

This is a really great interview! He plays serious, conservative-establishment types so well that I honestly just assumed that's how he was in real life. It's really interesting to read him talking critically about nationalist pro-military politics. (I guess it helps that he's Canadian.) And as a bonus, it's nice to

The problem is that it's not presented this way at all. The director doesn't do anything to tip us off that we're supposed to find these people a little crazy, other than the fact that they're plainly wrong about the movie at times. It just makes the director come across as plainly wrong too, since we don't get any

I'm not a particular fan of King but maybe the fact that Room 237 was amateurish, slapped together shit had something to do with his opinion here