Blue Ox

You really just have to go to that blog. I'm sorry. I know there are a lot of words, and yes, I wrote them. But it's an incredibly difficult thing to conceptualize in a disqus thread, so if you don't have time to actually look at that stuff, it's ok not to take the time to literally argue semantics rather than address

The argument you made before was that it does not subvert it. It does. You just didn't realize that and you don't like it. I'm not saying that's not valid. I'm saying there's a lot in Fargo you didn't know about at and the start of this comment chain you were denying that.

Look up what subvert means again.

Points can be subverted without being missed. We've learned more about the movie in the past two years thanks to the show than the 18 years before that.

FX is being incredibly guarded with info about the series until first episode airs.

It's been widely reported that the series can go as long as Noah wants it, and that it's not in the X-Men movie verse.

Beckett lookout: Miserable Mill (the book) references Waiting for Godot. Klaus in the Netflix adaptation quotes from another Beckett work instead. LUCKY is the name of the servant in Waiting for Godot who is treated poorly by his master in much the same way as the boss of the Lucky Smells Mill.

Reason #87 that Ryan Murphy is going to a mediocre afterlife: he thinks alphabetical order works by first name.

Of all the George Saunders that could've conceivably been chosen I found Braindead Megaphone to be pandering and without insight. Very much, "here's a smart guy saying stuff you already know but he's smart and he says them in smart ways that are nice to read." His writing on the Trump "movement" pre-debates was good

The Beckett novels he refers to as the first novels Beckett wrote actually came along much later than that. Beckett's early writing (novels, short stories) is considered much more similar (but less accomplished) to James Joyce. Later on, Beckett had an artistic revelation and developed the minimalist style that he is

I'm sure Don and Dick agree.

Hopefully new and neither.

I know the comment sectiob is lowest common denominator and all… but really…

There are always aliens in the valley of the sun.

That's nowhere near enough time to recover after Legion.


was "selfie culture" a true quote? I just remember vagaries about new media and then some commentary that it might be that. But that feels like so long ago that it actually WAS 1979.

NO-k then!

Super late coming to this. Do you want to talk to me more about this? The Das Liede von der Erde thing, I'm pretty sure, has to do with references to the sun, which are numerous in the season and soundtrack lyrics. But I want to know more about it. I have a blog about Fargo. :)