You also can see my long-ass review above in order to see my reasons as to why Into Darkness copying off Wrath of Khan made FAR more sense and worked, whereas Force Awakens FAILED completely. You can also see everything else I thought about TFA.
You also can see my long-ass review above in order to see my reasons as to why Into Darkness copying off Wrath of Khan made FAR more sense and worked, whereas Force Awakens FAILED completely. You can also see everything else I thought about TFA.
Personally, I'd rather watch Into Darkness a Million times over before EVER watching any Disney Star Wars rehashed, parody-esque, SOULLESS, PRODUCT EVER AGAIN!!!
That's ALSO EXACTLY what I was saying!!!!! THANK YOU for not being consumed by fan (and critical WTF) hype and nostalgia in order to see this movies parody-esque ridiculousness! :)
That's what I was saying!!!!
I had to get all that out of my system, emotionally speaking. But no one's forcing you to read ANYTHING you don't want to.
THIS IS INTENDED AS A SINCERE WAKE-UP CALL FROM A TRUE STAR WARS FAN! If you disagree that's fine, but this is all my genuine opinion.