James Baker

Clerks really should be on this list.

Can we just mention how Family Guy was a direct rip off of Beefsquatch?! I guess Bob's has finally made it with FG shamelessly ripping them off now.

Thought 1) HA Joss Whedon talking about sexist tropes - Whedon has like three types of women he writes, wash and repeats.

I like APHC

The only people that think Bob's Burgers is somehow inferior to Family Guy and current Simpsons are idiots. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots.

I liked this book. I mean it's not my favorite book - but I didn't NOT like it.

Carnivale was a great concept and I wish it had gotten a legitimate ending. the mood, the visuals. I am a sucker for that time period however.

their cover of Strangers was the song mine and my wife's first dance at our wedding. Jenn offered to play it live at out wedding if she could. We were pretty sure she was not serious, but she is a very nice lady. Being from Baltimore is pretty great. Baltimore is pretty great.

I found Anthem to be the most juvenile bit of whinging ever. I mean if you are going to blindly follow an ideologue then could it be at least a good writer?