Rob C

This sounds less "reportedly" than "made-up-out-of-whole-clothedly".

I read that explanation five times and I read the strip ten times, and I still don't get it.

It really happened, and it didn't sound like she was kidding. This comment can after a lot of muttering throughout the film. My questions at the time were (A) who does she think she's talking to, and (B) when does she think this took place?

I remember seeing Mississippi Burning at a theater in Columbia, MO. There's a scene where a bunch of Feds are dragging a swamp for bodies of missing civil rights workers. A lady sitting behind me yelled out, "Uh-uh! Not with MY tax dollars!"

The first 12 issues of American Flagg! are probably my all-time favorite comics. They were so dense and stylish and exciting.

When I was a teen, my favorite writer/artist was Howard Chaykin. I still really love his classic work in American Flagg!, Blackhawk, The Shadow, Time Squared…. I still buy nearly everything he does these days, hoping for some of that old magic, but I'm pretty much always disappointed. Midnight of the Soul #1 was no

Saga (obvs)
Deadly Class
Tokyo Ghost
Black Science

"Lackluster"? "Hold My Liquor" is the best song on Yeezus!