
I don't see some, a lot, of these people as game changers. I don't even know why Sarah and Varner are there. Or Tai. Or Debbie. Especially Debbie.
There were better choices if they really wanted game changers.

Exactly. How do you say "we need to get rid of this guy because he was discriminated against and he'll get sympathy votes."? That's a bit Varner-lite itself.

That was pepperoni?

I agree with you, they're really fleshing out Culpepper. I wonder, though, if Debbie and her extra vote will be the end of his game.

Well that TC didn't go the way I thought it would.
Does Ozzy have any social game? He's never shown doing anything except fishing and never shown talking to anyone. Why would someone with a target on his back not be trying to get alliances put together?
I've been thinking that Zeke is my favorite to win. It's going to

At first the thought crossed my mind because I thought 'who'd do that?' and that Zeke must've known it was going to happen, but after watching for about 30 seconds I thought it to be obvious that Zeke was caught unaware and it was all Varner.

I was looking forward to the conflict between Sandra and Zeke/Cirie and seeing how it all played.

I think she'll shoot herself in the foot like she did last time and show everyone that she absolutely cannot be trusted. Her having the extra vote scares me though because I can see her hanging onto it just to vote out Culpepper if she gets the chance and I really don't want to see her, of all people, be the reason

When Probst announced that, my husband rewound and stopped on the frame of the players and Culpepper's face was priceless. I'm actually pretty glad for him that he doesn't have to deal with Debbie again.

I disagree, I had picked earlier that if she made it to the merge that either Zeke or Cirie were going to plot against her and she didn't have anyone on her side except Varner. Once the stupid players were out (like Tony and JT) and the people who didn't really earn their way to play this season (Ciera) were gone, by

I got Zeke to be the dark horse to win, I think he's the smartest person in the game.

I'm glad that Sandra is gone, it always makes me happy when someone with that much arrogance gets the boot pre-merge.

Debbie having the extra vote scares me.
Was that TC a ruse to make Sandra feel safe, in case she had an idol?
I can't imagine having Tai and Debbie on the same tribe, that's a lot of kookiness in one place, although Tai seems like a genuinely kind person and Debbie seems like a self absorbed narcissist.

It's stopping any dramatic momentum in order to go back and explain a relationship because it never was established in the first place.
This is far from complicated. It's just amateurish and that writers room is full of quacks who don't deserve to be writing for the biggest show on tv.

Those lines by Negan during the shootout were so awful. "There's the widow, guns a blazin'. They got a gotdamn tiger", all done in his Yosemite Sam impersonation voice, narrating during a gunfight. Who directs this shit? Surely JDM didn't come up with this.

Great Value Brand Milla Jovovich
That's not as good as the others, but I like it.

They make good CGI fajitas.

It's stupid how they established this relationship in flashbacks instead of during the course of the story.

The dumpster people were 100% to fill out an episode or two. They were totally unnecessary. Our heroes could've gone to seaside when Tara told them about it and the seaside ladies could've gone back to Alexandria to fight the saviors and Negan. What if, instead of the saviors having killed the men, they instead had

It would've been great if someone had shot his finger off.