
She just assumed that Negan was going to be the one who opened her coffin and that he wasn't going to make Rick or someone do it. She also made a big assumption that she would die and turn before they arrived at their destination. And she very well could have come out and kicked Negan in the balls and started a

I get it. I don't mind it so much except during the Tara episode when she had obviously just given birth and was breastfeeding. I thought it was a poor decision by the writers to feature her in ways that brought attention to her obviously nursing body.

Good to know there was actually a point.

You know what else was pointless? Every second spent with Gregory, or whatever his name was. Negan knows Maggie and Daryl are alive and at Alexandria. Any scene with Gregory is moot because the only point of his scenes were "will he tell on Maggie and Daryl?"

No one will ever say his name again. Hell, no one even talks about Lori, not even her own kid.

Or covered 24: Legacy, which is actually pretty decent but still has tons of hate watchers.

I am Soylent Green.

Most of us watch the show now just so we can get SG's references. I've considered starting a petition for him to stop posting so we can all just go ahead and quit.

I think I'm more annoyed about their coordinating outfits.

Everything she does pisses me off. She's a terrible character played by a terrible actress.

About that. She kept egging on Daryl to kill him. Why Daryl didn't turn around and tell her that if she wants it done that badly then to do it her damn self is a mystery.

So much of what you said can be fixed if they had an end date. If they would just make a decision and announcement that it's going to be end in, say, 2 seasons, all this meandering would have to stop and there would be an end to work towards.

I don't think you missed anything. It's like he stood up and said "I'm the leader" and all the Hilltoppers were just like "ok".

At least the CGIger wasn't translucent, a la the deer.

This is true. We'll probably get a bunch of backstory about Negan. A lot of driving around in the rv to replace the guns that the Hoarders jacked. Korl and Enid will have an episode to themselves, doing nothing. Tobin backstory and a rekindling with Carol so he can bite it later on and we'll care. And God help

Typhoid Rick

No, for me it's just that the ship has sailed with emotional connection to characters on this show. I'm glad it's still there for you but I couldn't care less if, say, Daryl died. I would've cared a few seasons ago, like with Dale or Hershel, but not anymore.

As long as it had a point, like babies born during the ZA are immune to the virus so humanity will eventually rebound, it would be an interesting side show.

I'm wondering about the storyline with the baby because they sure aren't in hurry to progress her to a point of giving birth. Perhaps die in childbirth?

The monster evolved, too. At first it was more of a tickle monster that Celeste laughed at but over time Skarsgard (sorry for misspelling) was more hunched, hands curled more into claws, the voice was more monster-ish and the monster became more menacing.