
So well done. I think that looking back over the whole of the series, the police interview snippets showed that the interviewees totally missed what happened and are completely oblivious and hold the main characters in some type of esteemed regard. In their interviews they all talked about how scandalous the murder

I'm referring to her portrayal as being a much better marksman than Dreadlocks Magoo.

That pocket watch is actually pretty significant. If I remember correctly, Hershel gave it to Glenn as a gesture of love, like that of father and son.

Usually I think the monologues in this show are pretty lame but that was actually pretty good and kinda closed the chapter on Maggie and Glenn.

Why didn't Korl try to make a run for it? Was he bound?

He better save his ass by trying to kill Negan.

Daryl can't wash his hair because Korl uses all the shampoo. Conditioner, too, because his hair is fabulous.

I think that sounds snarkier than I meant it to.

I guess that you make it a point, then, to avoid any spoilers because it was pretty common knowledge that there were going to be two deaths-Abe and Glenn. It wasn't surprising for anyone who had been over to TWD facebook page. And I haven't even read the comics but I've read enough comments from people talking

Quite a few people. I missed it myself because I was just thinking 'damn, are they really going to fill time by showing Sasha listening to an ipod'.

But I do think that they've made it pretty routine to telegraph main's deaths.

I keep thinking that one day they will surprise us and kill a main unexpectedly. Or maybe in a mundane way, like Daryl getting bitten or something. When Negan got up to take the swing I thought that maybe that today was that day and Chandler had to go off to college or something.

You hit the nail on the head and maybe the problem is that they do cater to fans. You can't please everyone and they should really craft the story without trying to.

Lol, every house they go in does look like someone's granny lived there.

I think that's weak though because we all knew he wasn't going to bash Korl. It's TWD's fault because they've repeatedly put mains into faux danger. Honestly, I would've been impressed if they Lucille'd Korl. Or Michonne or someone else who matters. Without the usual montage or extended focus on the character who's

Why would they blow up their fence and gate? I mean, that's kinda important.

I could buy that except for they didn't see all the people coming in either, who all showed up at the same time as the tiger, which would've outrun them by a huge distance. It would've been better staged if we had actually seen Zeke and co sneaking in and him releasing Shiva or something.

Is there significance to the figure? I thought it was just some kids army man toy.

I don't know why they even keep attempting the fake outs. I can understand that Negan thought it was her, but there was no need for all the tears and relief when Korl and Rick found her because we all knew it wasn't her. I really wish that either Negan would've Lucilled Korl, or even captured and Lucille'd Michonne.

True. If the writers weren't so amateurish and/or lazy there wouldn't be criticisms of plot or settings that just fall apart under half assed scrutiny, though.