
I seem to recall Tara hanging off the wall that Reg built and shooting a walker square between the eyes.

Got that, but Dwight had nothing but opportunity to kill Negan in the shoot out.

'Why not' is also my default answer for any plot points that I don't understand.

I believe that was a message from Dwight. As pointed out by other posters he apparently had the foresight to put a little army man and a pen in his pocket before he rolled out of Neganville and then had the time and opportunity during a gun fight to write a cryptic message and hide it by the gate.

Why carry that heavy thing around if it's just to look at? I really thought we were going to see Badass Jerry going to town with his axe. But nope. I really should've known better.

How very Nic Cage of him to narrate what he's seeing during a gun fight. I have to think that JDM reads the script and shows it to his wife or someone, "take a look at this bullshit here."

Grunt and cry.

Lol, that relationship was only developed thru flashbacks on her deathbed. That's terrible.

I am in no way someone who would defend this show as being good tv but credit is due where it is earned. It's not JDM's fault that Negan is annoying and one dimensional-it's the fault of the script writers and direction. When he has an opportunity to play this character with nuance he does a fine job. Last night

Did Tobin bite it? I didn't notice.

At least he wasn't using his crossbow in a machine gun fight.

I don't have a problem with eyeballs, but seriously, did you really want to see Sasha shit her britches?
I mean, that might've been more realistic but then we'd all be wondering why Sasha had to be covered in puke and poop for her swan song.

I keep saying there is no way in hell that some of these actors allow their careers to go down with this ship. People like Tara, sure. WTF else has she ever done? But a few of the mains actually have successful careers and have to got to be considering checking out at some point.

I've wondered myself why the saviors don't evict the alexandriams and start living in their subdivision.

Thanks, I didn't hear it either.

Good thoughts. Where do they go from here other than a rehash of season 7? Some contrived drama along the way or someone doing something dumb that gets them captured will get tiresome quickly. And I kinda wonder if that's the direction they take.
Maybe they'll veer off from the comics and surprise us.

That would've earned this episode an A+ from me. Seriously, we'd have drama next season between Rick/the tiger/Zeke and whether or not Zeke would have to Old Yeller Shiva. And Korl could go to that big roller rink in the sky.

I guess explosive expert Rosita didn't think to check their work.

Sonequa was probably getting off to the thought of leaving this show and moving on to Star Trek.

You know, brown hair, can't drive for shit, lost Korl a couple times, always starting shit….oh, you know, that one chick who was fucking Shane when you were in that coma for like a week….