
I'm going to start calling that show Fear of the Other Walking Dead.

I think it's the script. We rarely get to see Negan do anything except make lame jokes and threaten people. Those few times when he's gone from smirking to scowling in the blink of an eye have been good because that shows that this guy actually means business, but he's given the worst dialogue of any character,

Both answers are correct.

That's gross.

I was like "wtf is a deuteragonist?"

That's the thing about The Stand, it's not scary, it's more of a "feeling" you get while reading it. King does a masterful job of immersing the reader into the story. It's, if I remember correctly, it's about 1,100 pages and in order for him to tell the story this way, it needed to be 1,100 pages.

It should be a problem, she's about 89 weeks pregnant by now.

I'm a bit confused by Dwight's actions but I think that maybe I was assuming he was going to aid Rick & The Gang so my confusion is caused by him acting against my assumptions.

I think it's fairly obvious that Eugene isn't Negan. He finally found his courage and gained respect of Rick & The Gang when he volunteered to drive the RV around to draw out the saviors at the end of last season. He tried to learn how to fight, and the only one of them still giving him shit is Rosita. He stood up

- Huh, i thought his whole body went in there. Oh well.
Me, too. And I had this same exact reaction when I saw his legs, I think, still supporting his weight.

You really should. I'm not a big Stephen King fan but I think The Stand is a masterpiece.

But if Rick hadn't been trying to bang his wife he never would've accidentally killed Reg. Typhoid Rick struck and the town lost its doctor.

He slid right in like he was on a conveyor.

I'd be alright with Eugene just flipping her the bird.

I thought that, too. I'm calling bs on No Ass Negan being able to do easiily toss a 140lb man into the furnace.

I love that the metal death Iron Maiden character was named the most British chap-py name possible. Winslow is pretty awesome.

I can't tell if he's supposed to have black eyes or if he really needs a nap.

The first two episodes of this half of the season have highlighted just how unnecessary 3 or 4 episodes from last season were. This is a show which would improve just by cutting the number of episodes.

Is Daryl going to point his crossbow at Shiva and turn her into Battlecat? I'm completely on board with this happening, by the way.

The last two episodes have been alright and Korhl and Negan have been minimally involved in both, I don't think that's a coincidence.