

I did notice that when they formed the circle around the gang there was one person who got to their spot much later than everyone else. It was mildly amusing.

I don't really care, js.

That was Season 2, I believe, Shane and Andrea.

Pulls some Purell out of his shirt pocket and starts rubbing on his hands casually while talking to Jadis.

That was one gigantic bird. Pterodactyl or something. :D

Yeah, Rick's a moron.

Here's my issue with their plan: If Enid had been a double agent and poisoned Maggie with the pickles then the Saviors would have known they were heading out to Hilltop to the doctor. That makes sense.
But Enid is not a double agent, and Negan and his crew are unaware that the Alexandrians even know about the

I think Jerry's days are numbered, too.

Rick & The Gang are going to be piiiiiiiiiiiiiiissed when they figure out Tara was holding out on them.

Dumpsters are magical shields.

Like how they all were wearing coordinating outfits?

Yeah, why wish for Daryl to hook up when the entire time we'd all be saying "eeeewww".

"Tomorrow, ve come back and ve cut off your johnson, Grimes."

I almost hit rewind to see if that was a bird or a plane, but then I figured screw it, it may have been a plane. If TWD doesn't care, why should I?

Rosita sure is sassy for someone who just got an OG Alexandrian killed and Eugene kidnapped. I'm ready for her to exit stage left.
I didn't see a lot of this episode because it was raining and the satellite kept losing the signal, but I think that it seems like The Kingdom is the most well-done part of the show now.

The group of hoarders made me think of the nihilists on The Big Lebowski. I was wondering if anyone else got that vibe or if it was just me.

Holy. Crap. Why have I never thought of it this way before now? That's such a succinct description of the election this year.

Come on, now. Shark Tank and Survivor are awesome.

Me, too. Not only her and her campaign but the Democrats in general for putting up a candidate who consistently hovered around 30% trustworthy and likeable and 70% the other way. Damn they whiffed it.