
Crazy Rick is the best. His beard is growing in, too. It's like the beard is the gauge that lets us know where Rick's level of crazy is.

Maybe she's so crabby because wearing those jeggings for so long have caused some lady problems.

I actually forgot about them. Again, walking distance because Tara was completely without a single supply and came waltzing home and bip boppeting around.

Damn, that's convenient. Every other kids takes Spanish or French, but Spencer studies a dead language and then finds a list written in that language.

The FedEx guy?

I thought it was a mistake in the last episode to not show the Maggie and Daryl reunion, considering that Daryl kinda got Glenn killed. I guess we're just going to cruise right past that and just go with Maggie being A-OK with Daryl and all's forgiven. It would seem that reunion is emotional and important but I

Daryl's well on his way to dreads if someone doesn't hose him down, prison style.

It makes no sense. All of these communities seem to be within walking distance of each other because we never see our heroes stocking supplies for a week long road trip or anything. Yet, Rick & the gang never knew about the other places and Negan never knew about Alexandria. I'm willing to accept that moron Rick

As long as Tara runs over and says "for Glenn" right before it explodes I'm pretty ok with that scenario.

And after having found the petrol, stored in underground tanks, how did they extract it from the tanks without the needed power to run the gas pumps? Can a water hose siphon gas from underground tanks or what?

The audience will have to take your word for it. So far we've only seen that people follow Negan for no other reason than to avoid having their faces ironed off.

The producers probably tried to save a buck and went to get some day laborers to work the cameras.

The rock in the road story would've been better if Rick had just said 'lemme tell you a story." The way it was just left me thinking that Rick's mom sure told him some weird, shitty stories.

This was an alright episode but we've all seen alright episodes to start a season followed by 3 or 4 snoozefests or trainwrecks. I agree with the review as far as Ezekial and Gregory are concerned. They both made the same decision but Ezekial is thoughtful and just looking out for his people while in the Gregory

Yeah, I thought Rosita and Sasha were cool after they were nodding and grinning at each other in that sweet montage at the end of last episode. The stick in Rosita's ass is kinda sudden.

That's kinda me, too.

Dammit Chloe.

I enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed the latter episodes of 24. The first season was brilliant, after that it was a pretty typical action show-but with a little more history and tie ins to previous characters and actual surprises.
I'd put my money on Miranda Otto's character being the mole, ala Nina.
I think this will

FTWD was such a sellout. The first season really did show the beginning of the ZA, then in season 2 it just started right off TWD: Los Angeles. Or Mexico, or whatever. It's just TWD with a different set of characters and a different setting and the characters who seemed interesting, like Tobias, the chick on the

The pilot got me interested and the first season was good, but somewhere this show has lost its way. I think it's obviously a show now that's out of ideas and is just dragging its feet so it can sell as many ads as possible before it inevitably goes off the air. It's so formulaic as this point that viewers know