
I think they really made Aethelwuf look like a moron this episode because he kept falling for these tricks, too. Then after he decides to send his army to burn the ships, they abandon that plan once he sees the Viking army and they charge them, once again doing exactly what the Vikings want them to do. I think that

You eloquently put into words what I was thinking but had no words for. I think Viikings should've been a limited series which was never meant to continue on much farther beyond the death of Ragnar. Perhaps the series finale could've been the blood eagle of Aella.
The Leftovers is ending after 3 seasons and it's a

I don't think they ever did him any favors. Like the storyline with Judith and Ecbert. And him just being forced to accept that his wife is running around with his dad.
I've always thought Aethelwulf to be a good guy and a multidimensional character. But him looking like a doofus is not anything new the writers have

All of that is true, the attack in Kattegat and Lagertha's discovery that Bjorn's ally is dangerous does give her a storyline, but I still think does come off a bit ham fisted.
Aethelwulf seemed shocked when Ecbert gave him the fiery speech, has Ecbert been seemingly on death's doorstep and he was surprised by

Wouldn't 35 have been a fairly long life, though? I would think that back then a genetic disorder would result in childhood death. Regardless, I feel that the show has been backed into a corner with the way chose to interpret "The Boneless" and it does take a suspension of belief to buy it. I think it would have

Did Lagertha have a more noticeable accent during the roasting scene?

Does Ivar have a dedicated servant to help him with his biological functions or are his magnetic blue eyes enough to convince a warrior to help him wipe his bum?
I know, what a weird thing to wonder about…..but just dealing with the daily needs of Ivar makes it seem unlikely that anyone would and "boneless" should've

Haha, everybody's a comedian.

Have you ever laughed out loud a little louder at work than you thought you were going to? Kind of a dead give away there.

Hmmm, the sprinkler system actually does need some repairs on part of it. The back patio needs a new covering. There's still one side of the fence that needs to be replaced. I'd like some new kitchen counters installed.
We'll see where this goes…..

I was inclined at first to think that this was completely sexist and disrespectful to women, then I thought about the other day when my husband finally installed the microwave after I'd been asking him to for about 6 months and our rendezvous in the kitchen when he was finished.

We were joking about what the director must be saying to the actor playing Ivar: "Sullen looks, brooding, show us how blue your eyes are, half way close your eyes, yes, yes, yes, look how blue his eyes are, look how handsome he is….."
I admit it though, that is one handsome kid.

I feel like it may not be entirely Hirst, either. I think that when networks get too involved it ruins creativity, and I wonder if all the sexy time and cheesy stories are the result of the network strong arming Hirst into making a show that's more appealing to the masses instead of staying true to itself.

This news excites me. Will he be acting or is he writing and producing?

I've never met a famous person but Dolly Parton has always struck me as someone who is the same person now as she was when she was a child living in a mountain cabin and eating squirrels, and seems to be a truly kind person.

Maybe we'll see something spectacular in the finale. GoT has large armies with similar weaponry, minus mammoths and giants, and some of those battles are phenomenal.

His balls are probably chronically smushed, too, from wearing ladies jeans all those years.

I have a lot of mixed feelings about Shia. In some ways, I think he's supremely full of shit but in others I think he's an admirable guy.

Yeah, and last week Bjorn said something about Harald wanting to overthrow the Lothbrooks so it's not like it came out of nowhere. When he first showed up he made it clear that his purpose was to take Kattegat. It seems weird that they've just been letting him hang around. It seems even stranger that he wouldn't

I've always thought he was a good actor and that Aethelwulf a more complex character than he gets credit for. I feel he's always been torn between being a guy with integrity and being a guy who pleases his father.