
One final thought, I think Vikings needs to take a lesson from The Walking Dead (never thought I'd say that, for sure) and use movie magic to make a hundred guys look like a couple thousand. In last week's episode and now this week's it looks like the armies are marching out 100 soldiers with 20 horses to fight the

There's such a difference from the first two seasons. The battle sequences were so well done and even some of the more minor characters were worthy of being invested in. There was so much attention to detail that took the audience into the time and place. It's just not there anymore, and I don't think it's a lack

Did anyone else think that Torusa, or whatever her name is, seemed pretty content walking back to camp with Floki but once she saw Helga she got sad again? Maybe she's really ok with the Vikings but is sick to death of Helga's helicopter parenting.

I think they need to rethink who the leading men and some of the focal characters are. I think Bjorn is fine as a secondary character but the actor just doesn't have the charisma to be a leading man. The brothers are just not developed at this point and I think Ivar has been too one dimensional so far, although his

I feel like these last couple episodes, and a lot of this season generally, has been phoned in. In some ways this seems like a different show than seasons 1-3 Vikings. It just doesn't seem to have the same care for details, depth, and characters that it used to. I've thought a lot of times that even when it's not

Thoughtful and interesting insight.

I admit, there are a few, I think, who truly believe everything they read.

I don't think so, let's look at what people are actually doing: finding something, flimsy and easily disproven as it may be, that confirms their biases. I really don't think anyone is bamboozled but rather just blindly grasping for anything at all that proves them "right".

No, I was actually thinking more about the experience when buying a used car.

I'm down.

It's a sad day when Google has to protect people from themselves because they're too naive to know when they're being bamboozled.

Different strokes and all. Makes America great. Again?
I took it as making fun of an awkward kid. Most preteens do go thru an awkward stage, we're all just lucky enough to do it out of the public eye.

LOL, it'd be even better if he had cerebral palsy or Down syndrome, we could really roast him then.

Get off my lawn. *shakes fist


And that tweet by the SNL writer wasn't even that funny, come on. There's nothing coming out of SNL these days that even resembles funny.

It takes a pretty small brain to make fun of a kid. Just because there were people who had small brains in the past doesn't make having a small brain, like, the coolest.
Especially when there are legitimate things to complain about and ridicule.

I think she's spot on and shows the hypocrisy of Hollywood. When you stand up and condemn Trump, for example, for demeaning women and then give someone an award who's done worse, you lose credibility as to whether or not you really care or just want to jump on a bandwagon of condemnation. It's hard to take someone

Nope, wait a minute, I do. …..something something shake it for me, girl, shake it for me.

Fortunately I do not.