
I remember Reagan being shot. I'm old, I guess, if remembering W is the mark we're using.

Gets what? How to be disrespectful to adults? How to parrot what he's heard his parents say?

He had a heckuva game, he also had an interception that got called back because of his teammate's boneheaded penalty.


Thanks for the insight. Like you said, that's one dude who will beat you if you give him half a chance.

Did you watch A Football Life on NFL Network about Vick? I never paid much attention to him but after watching that I really have a new respect for Vick. Tony Dungy was interviewed for it and said that Vick, if he'd had his head on straight in his prime, could've been one of the greats.

When was it that Ragnar said to his people that the fertile land is the real treasure in England, not gold? That was right after their first raid at the monastery, wasn't it? You're right, Ragnar was a farmer first and a ruler second, and he knew this.

I've never gotten the entitled vibe from Brady, but more of a guy who works his ass off and has nothing more to prove. He's not my guy, the Pats aren't my team, but I respect the hell out of him.

Everyone forgets about that for some reason.

Damn you Dallas coaches. Upon further review, Dallas coaches lost the first quarter coaching challenge to GB coaches. They seemed to have gotten it together at halftime, however, in the closing seconds, they gave A A Ron Rodgers the ball back with about 30 seconds left in the game, and he only needed to gain about

I'm not really down with him riding around wreaking havoc in his chariot because, I think, it's ignoring the fact that all anyone has to do is hamstring his horse, put an arrow in it or whatever, and he's screwed.

I've always wondered if Floki's ears are black because of frost bite at some point in his life or if extends the eyeliner way past the usual. :)

I can see that, except for he begged for his life from the Vikings and tried to buy his way out of it with silver and gold. Maybe it would've been more convincing that he thought himself a martyr if he'd been praying to God to give him strength or stood up to the Vikings as unafraid of death because God had a plan

Her name was Porun and I wish there would have been some type of closure with her character because she had an interesting story. I don't think leaving to go wander the earth is any legit way to write off a character after having some sizable screen time devoted to her beginning as a slave, Aslaug's freeing her, the

The Chinese fireworks were pretty legit.

Oh ok, thanks. I didn't remember him because I disregarded him as soon as he was finished giving lagertha the sword.

Conversation at my house:
Husband-"Who's that?"
Me-"I don't know. I think it's some rando dude."
This was after we had discussed if it would be Margaret, someone's child, maybe Astrid…..It was a bit underwhelming when it turned out to be some citizen picked off the streets.

I don't know how many seasons they're signed on for, but I think this is the type of show that should've taken a page out of The Leftover's book and had a definite end after 3-4 seasons. Maybe even the Great Heathen Army and the bloodeagling being the series finale, because whether we all admit or not, this was a show

I thought she was going to sacrifice Margaret (I know that's not her name but my phone autocorrects, so I'm gonna call her Margaret).

I don't mind some liberties being taken for the sake of drama but I feel like these liberties are at the expense of Aethelwulf and, seeing how Alfred is Athelstan's bastard son, it makes it illogical for Ecbert to take Alfred under his wing instead of the legitimate child, whatever his name is (I honestly don't