
I agree completely with this review. I feel like in the first couple of seasons care was taken to really take the viewer into the Vikings world, and what we're seeing now is more of a tv show in which Vikings are the main characters.

Thank you so much for saying that. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong here, but wouldn't Aethelwulf, son of a king, have never permitted her to carry on as she has? Would she not have brought shame onto the entire family and been either divorced or would he not have been within his rights to kill her? She married

Yes! I thought, from the English perspective, how frightening it would have been to see that guy and know you're about to go up against him. And the background music-so fitting and so spectacular for that one scene.

I feel like we've gotten more loose ends or unexplained things happening as of late, more than prior seasons. For example, when Aella saw how outmatched and outnumbered his army was, why not retreat? They, especially Aella, was on horseback. Why couldn't he ride off to regroup behind his walls and fight another

I'll buy that it may have been budget related. But it seemed that for a guy (Aella) who bragged about how prepared he was, he was grossly underprepared. Maybe hubris?

Floki looked absolutely terrifying with his face painted and holding his axe and swaggering around like he was before the battle. I really feel like skipping the battle was a whiff.

I don't understand why they glanced over the battle. Battle scenes have always been a strong point and they just chose to go past it. I think we could have lived without Hairking's scene with his lady, the wedding and afterwards, and I think the sacrifice was unnecessary, too. All of these could have been left out in

Best comment on this site. Well done.

You know what though? I'll give a smart guy a chance because knowing what you don't know is a step in the right direction and he's an intelligent, capable person. This lady is just a blabbering idiot.


As time passes, the kids in special education are becoming more mainstreamed. Society as a whole has gotten better at not shunning the mentally disabled (as least some have). I agree 100% that we need to finish the job soon and not risk stagnation or setbacks.

Because the NRA has twisted the 2nd Amendment into being without common sense.

Probably because they couldn't figure out how to work the voting machines.

She's an embarrassment. I tend to lean right on most fiscal policies and left on social issues, and have given Trump more of a chance than a lot of people have, but damn. I don't think I've seen anyone as unqualified for the position they've been nominated for as she is, and we've seen some people in various

What happens if Trump is impeached and removed before these people are actually appointed? I'm kinda expecting him to be impeached by this time next week.

Apparently she's gotten her information from Uncle Jimbo and Ned.

I agree with you about her being tone deaf but I think his comment at the end about looking forward to her meeting with parents in CT about guns in school was pretty off the mark too, considering that someone like Adam Lanza doesn't care what the policy is. I don't think teachers packing is necessarily the answer but

I've thought about that, too. I believe 41 sent a message or memo or something to Trump apologizing for not being able to be in DC in the winter with his most recent illness, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if Trump disparaged him in some way on Twitter.

Preaching to the choir, buddy. I live in Texas, and have a son who requires special education. I have a governor and lieutenant governor who've slashed the budget for special education in the school and slashed the medicaid budget to pay for therapies outside of school. Plus, they've made it harder for TEA to

I didn't want to go past the first video clip. Re: IDEA, good God, the SCOTUS just heard arguments about the minimal education benefit required by public schools according to IDEA. This just happened! I don't think this lady has ever heard of IDEA, knows what case the SCOTUS has just heard in regards to minimal