
How many of those dang Taken movies are there going to be? That last one was awful.

I think it was pretty telling that during their standoff Lagertha had her back to Ubbe and instead went straight forward to Ivar. She knows what's up.

I never get tired of Vikings and never really find it tedious, except the storyline they keep going to regarding Ivar wanting to kill Lagertha. I feel like it's obvious that Ivar, or one of this brothers, are not going to be the son of Ragnar who kills Lagertha. My theory is that Magnus will make a return, kill

Did they? I was truly unaware. Good for them.

I had a professor in a business class who used Cameron Diaz as an example of how to negotiate a contract. Apparently she takes a smaller salary upfront and then loads up on royalties, ticket sales, etc. and makes a disproportionate crap ton of money in comparison to Jennifer Lawrence, Natalie Portman, etal, who

I don't understand why, in 2011, she made a movie with Ashton effing Kutcher. Tara Reid not available?

I was just using her an example, I didn't see her speech and didn't know anything about it until the next day. Maybe I should've used a different example because hearing about it, I admit, has gotten tiresome.

That's what I'm getting at, spoken to whom? Ladies magazines? I guess I'd just like to see a female actor get up in front of everyone, with the money people in attendance, and take on the issues that directly affect them, like the pay discrepancy in Hollywood, when they have a captive audience and the opportunity to

I'd love for Donald to leave his phone on a bench and for someone to start tweeting "my butt itches" or some other mundane crap.

Here's my thing about Hollywood, and yes, I know it is possible to be angry about 2 different things at the same time. Meryl Streep decided to talk about Trump during her lifetime achievement award acceptance (which I don't understand because if I ever won anything you can bet I wouldn't even be thinking about Trump)

I thought Podesta would be Davos and Chelsea is Shireen.

You just gotta follow thru on your campaign promises to cut funding for special education and force businesses to put up a sign that states you have to actually have a vagina to use the ladies restroom.
Never mind, that's the governor and lieutenant governor. Carry on.

I usually have to get up and see why the kids were yelling at me and what the hell they wanted.

I think it can fairly be said, now, that there were points in this show that got bloated and dragged along unnecessarily. But I think they righted the ship and have been cruising along for a little bit. I think, like you said, there will be some differences for last season and the next couple in comparison to

I was a bit confused about Stannis the Mannis, they didn't show his death or body so it's ambiguous, until Brienne talks about it in no uncertain terms and it isn't. It's like, did they just not want to pay the actor for one more episode or what?

I looked at it in a different way, that they were shackled by the books somewhat and now that they're on their own they can go blow through some plot instead of plodding through it.

Antibiotics-Overrated. Very sad.

I think an antibiotic clears that up.
ETA: I read that as "piss and fire."

I wonder now if he's trolling all of us and has been working on WoW and ADoS concurrently and will release both at the same time and be like "bam! What now bitches?"

There's an actual term for what your wife experienced, similar to the response of Pavlov's dogs and conditioned stimulus and responses. I can't remember what it is because I took psychology about 20 years ago.
When I was about 4 years old I ate too many scrambled eggs and got sick so badly that I still remember it 40