
Congratulations! Nothing is more important than validation gained by internet victories over total strangers.
Keep it up and one day, young grasshopper, you too can be president of the United States.

Not just food, superfoods.

She's said "they're alright". But she's really set in her ways so I took it as a compliment.

I think you're right. It's crispy but not real crispy and soft but not too soft. And like you said, consistent.

Ugh. My mom and aunt are of that generation of ladies who make those weird "salads" for luncheons and stuff. It's like mayonnaise, marshmallows, Cool whip and fruit salad all blended together. I wouldn't touch that stuff with a 10 ft pole but those ladies will eat it up and remark about how good it is.

I do that, too. There will be a food, like canned tuna, that I rarely eat and every year or so I just decide I want a tuna fish sandwich, for some unexplainable reason.

My parents are like that, too. We had a neighbor who had a huge garden when I was a kid, so we'd get cucumbers, zucchini, cantaloupe-typical summer garden types of foods. But other than that, it was always canned green beans, canned corn, canned new potoes, or frozen broccoli or Normandy blend (I thought people in

I've talked about this with members of some groups whose kids have food aversions. Chicken nuggets and fries are widely accepted among the kids who won't eat anything else. And some of the kids are really rigid, btw, and will only eat Tyson chicken nuggets or Ore Ida crinkle fries, for example. I've always wished

Canned fruit should only be stockpiled in case of zombie apocalypse.

Yes, but never hungry enough to eat something that's repulsive (I don't have a better word). I can be very hungry, and still not eat if it's something I can't tolerate. Personally, I'd rather not eat.
Of course my outlook comes from first world privilege where actual starvation is not a threat and I don't speak

I thought it was talking about the canned stuff. It is gross, it all tastes the same, it's mushed up….I used to get grossed out in elementary school when they'd serve it in the cafeteria and the kids would eat it up.

That's how I look at food, too. 90% of the time, it's just fuel and it doesn't bother me to eat the same thing every day, and with as few ingredients as possible. There are times where I venture out a bit but food isn't a luxury or a fun thing for me, it just gives me the calories I need.

It's not an appetite issue, if that's what you're getting at. For example, I'd rather not eat than eat something that tastes "too meaty". My mom was one of those "eat or do without" moms, and many nights I did without, and that hasn't changed for me as an adult.

My son has severe autism and, like a lot of autistic kids, is extremely picky. It's not a matter of "if he gets hungry he'll eat"-because he won't. I share some of his food aversions and just figured that maybe I have mild autism myself (based on things other than just food aversions). I don't have as many

It really is a shame that a lazy internet troll got the job, as opposed to an internet troll who can make some savage memes.

I'm leaning that direction but even if he wasn't mocking the reporter, he's incredibly stupid and shortsighted. Even if that's his go-to way of making fun of people, he should know better than to do that motion in regards to a guy who has a physical handicap and how it would be received if he did.
Or better yet,

No!!! He's also not really a zombie, either. Probably a nice guy.

Exactly. One of my all time favorites was a carpenter.

What's the over/under on 12 months?

It's a lot of hyperbole out there, too. I think some of it comes from the click bait type of articles that people actually take seriously.