
If anyone ever invented a website where you could type in words or something about stuff you want to find out more about, they'd make like a million dollars or something. It'd be like Yahoo, but way better.
I hope someone invents that.

I agree with you 100% about one thing-every single person I've talked to who voted for Hillary brings up what Trump "could do". They're freaking themselves out over what he "could do". It's actually been to the point of worrying about Trump nuking a country because he's pissed at its leader. Seriously.
It's like

Apparently she's unaware that most of the biggest names in MMA are not Americans either. Not that Meryl ever struck me as a big MMA gal but she should've done some fact checking into her speech instead of assuming that the big meatheads are Americans. Football on the other hand, yeah, all us. 'Murica. F*** yeah!

I can't explain what happened to Porunn and I agree that some characters were developed and then left in limbo. However, I think Yidu did serve a purpose. She caught Ragnar's eye, helped enable his paranoia, and Yidu and her drugs ultimately cost Ragnar Paris. Or at least contributed. Which was the tipping point

One more thing, when they did the voice over of Ragnar's speech while he was in the cage and we heard "I shall be drinking ale out of curved horns, welcome the valkyries to summon me home, etc." I got chills, actual chills. That part of the last episode was phenomenal. Please, please, please let Fimmel be recognized

I will admit to having read all the books and sat thru all the movies. I read the first one at the suggestion of a friend and thought "it's alright." Sometimes it's good to read a book that doesn't require any brainwork, kinda like watching soap operas. I watched the movies and they were a total drag and sucked.

I thought Magnus, too, when the seer told her that.

I feel bad for Aethelwulf sometimes. I think he's a good dude for the most part but his dad treats him like crap, his wife scolds him for standing up to his dad, Alfred runs around reminding him that his wife loved Athelstan, his dad sent him on suicide missions he just happened to survive…..

I thought this episode was good, although I agree that parts were a bit manufactured. I think, though, that even at its worst Vikings is still better than a lot of what's on.
A few things about Floki stuck out for me: Floki and Helga apparently have not been having sex since their daughter died because neither of

Kudos to Hirst for being brave enough to kill fan favorite Athelstan and now his protagonist Ragnar. As much as I love Fimmel's Ragnar there was nowhere else for that character to go or things to do that wouldn't involve recycling storylines. And I'm glad he didn't go TWD route and give in to the fair weather fans

I agree. I suspect that next season we get a time jump in which Ivar and his brothers have been out raiding and pillaging and building an army. Although I do wonder how Lagertha fits into those plans and whether her days are numbered.

I think that the handling of the snakes took away a bit from the moment and was a bit cheesy because there's no reason to fear the constrictors. I think it would've been better to just have the dudes pouring the snakes in the pit while trying their best to not get bitten themselves.

Perhaps, or perhaps the strongest or most beautiful. I don't think something as valuable as a horse would be random like a goat or sheep would be.

I think everyone has forgotten about Gisla standing atop the ramparts in Paris when the Vikings first attacked. She was out there among the soldiers. Then she handed out knives to her ladies so they could commit suicide rather than be raped by Vikings. And she was the real brains and strength behind her father.

That's not how I see Lagertha's relationship with Astrid. I take it to mean that she thinks that she, as Earl, can do what she wants and she does. And I don't think she's exactly flaunting her relationship with Astrid in front of people. It's not a secret but they're not getting to 2nd base in public, either.

I don't think he will. I think that his spirituality comes from Floki and he'd see Lagertha's murder of Aslaug as a work of the gods, or at the very least he would look for the gods' influences in what she did. And I think that in a culture in which death happened daily anything could be justified as being the will

That's exactly why I'm avoiding that show for now. I'll catch up on it when the season is over.

Not a fan of Aslaug but I think her character did change into a callous person over time and Little Siggy's death, and the condition she allowed the child to be in, was after she'd already become this hateful person. I don't think that's who she was at the beginning, when she freed Porrun (I'll call her that whether

My theory on that is the same as to why Leo took forever to win an Oscar, and sometimes was runner up to inferior counterparts. I think the people who are in charge of making these awards happen fear that if they nominate and award good looking people it'll be said they only won because they're good looking-on the

Thanks! Happy holidays to you, too.