
Yeah, he sent him out like he had to go asap before someone killed him. Why not give the boy some food and a blanket?

I think it went off the rails a little last season with Yidu and Ragnar's drug habit but it has righted itself again this season.

The more I think about it, the more I think he denied Magnus to protect the boy from Aella. He knew all along he was going to ask Ebert to hand him over so I think he thought that Aella would demand Magnus as well and Ecbert might have to concede.

Yeah, but you know everyone was ripe af back then. He's probably nose blind to it.

Has Hirst ever said if there is a definite number of seasons he envisions the show going for? I'm thinking that it's not possible to have a long running series based on people whose life expectancy was probably about 40. Perhaps the plan is that after Ragnar dies there will be a season spent on avenging that death

I thought the animals he was referring to was Ecbert and his minions.

Did Bjorn tell Lagertha the seer's prophesy that Ragnar's return would be the start of chaos? I took it to mean that he knew what was coming and he knows there will be more chaos to follow.

I agree with her jealously arc being unnecessary. But I think part of the problem, too, is that Aslaug has been an afterthought for the most part. Her character is neither good nor bad, she just is. If she were a horrible person we might cheer for Lagertha, if she were likeable we'd be on the edge of our seats and

I think so. I haven't thought too much about it but I get the feeling that he denied Magnus to keep him safe or he denied him because Magnus would throw a wrench in his plans if he were his son.

I've wondered about that, too. She freed Porun (was that her name?) because she knew Bjorn had a thing for her so I think there was potentially some warmth there but it just never was part of the story.

I may have missed something but I thought Aethulwulf sent Magnus away to protect him because he'd no longer have Ecbert's protection since he knew he wasn't Ragnar's son.
I thought for sure Kwenthrith and Ragnar had sex. Could Ragnar have said that just to mess with Ecbert? Or because he didn't want an English son to

Has Lagertha ever killed someone who wasn't meeting her head on? I think it's out of character for her to shoot a retreating woman in the back. A beheading, or whatever public execution method she chose, would've been more likely, IMO.

You don't get the joke because it was never a joke. She's so far up her own ass that she thinks that every single woman would be proud to get an abortion as a sign of their true feminist power.
I think she never counted on the backlash from those of us who can be pro-choice but still hate abortion.

Don't worry. It's like that scene in White Chicks:
"You were thinking it."
"But you said it."

She's alienated so many people and become such a caricature of a feminist liberal, now she's pretty much toxic to anything she tries to bring attention to or be a champion of. She portrays herself as a victim when it's convenient for her to do so. She annoys the ever loving fuck out of me because she tries so hard

She doesn't know how to say "I was talking out of my ass and made some remarks that may have been hurtful." It's like when she said that OBJ thought she was too ugly for him to be interested in and then backtracked and said that was her insecure persona speaking, when she did in fact accuse of him of being shallow

Re: the pacing, this is the same problem that TWD has, the network wants too many episodes and there's not enough story to fill that number of episodes. Vikings was much better when there were fewer episodes and each one was important. Not to say it isn't still a good show but there is definitely some filler and

I like that idea but I also like the idea of just having super idols, but far fewer. 1 or 2 super idols that can be used after the vote but no more multiple idols. I mentioned to someone else that instead of having a bunch of idols they could maybe have more advantages. Or hidden rewards. But yeah, there's too

He did do some influential things, but it was at the wrong time. After the merge he didn't do much of anything except fall back on the alliance that he'd formed in the beginning. Like he thought he'd done enough and could put it on cruise control the rest of the game.

A no tribe season sounds interesting. I think I'd like to see a season of runners-ups, too, because it's gotten to where the person who plays the hardest doesn't win but instead the person who pisses off the fewest people gets the million.