
Olivia, the bookkeeper who apparently doesn't notice when firearms go missing.

And it'll make a bajillion dollars and Tom Cruise will be everywhere acting all weird.

It's an interesting choice to play up Spencer in order to kill him off. Like, yeah, we all hate him already. He can die now.

The Daryl problem could have been prevented if they'd spared Glenn and had killed off Daryl. Glenn's a much better character, Daryl is just taking up space at this point and he has been for
a while now.

It would've better if Korl had taken a shot and had one of Negan's guys knock him down at the last minute or knock Negan to the ground or something, instead of having him point blank and doing nothing.

I think we've got to get some backstory or that will forever be the $64,000 question. They follow him for the same reason that a mass suicide happened in Jonestown, I'd imagine, but the show hasn't bothered to show that.

Gah, I just wanted Eugene to tell her "fuck off, Rosita" in the same tone that a 15 year old girl would use.

That was alright. It didn't suck and in comparison to last week it was a masterpiece.
I'm not a comics reader but I've read comments about the scene we saw tonight where Coral told Negan to jump out the window yada yada and how awesome that line is, but it's really hard to take a threat from Coral seriously when after

She does seem to take pride in his brutality. Perhaps she sees it as a compensation, since she doesn't think he'll ever be a great warrior then she thinks that being cruel is a close 2nd.

I saw where someone said it stands for Piss Poor Production.

He wasn't attempting suicide. At least dying wasn't his ultimate goal.

He was once an underwear model for Calvin Klein and they put up a huge billboard of him in the famous London roundabout. The company had to remove it because officials kept getting complaints about traffic coming to a screeching halt in the roundabout because of his billboard.

Bless his heart.

Oh yeah, my mom is the same way with my brother. He lies to her, steals from her, has attacked my dad, and mooches constantly but yet, according to my mom, he hung the moon.
But yeah, if I remember right Aslaug didn't care when Little Siggy died and even before she died the boys were ashamed because she was always

Yeah, Bjorn didn't seem too concerned about her when she was alive. I think Ragnar will know what happened. He has to ask where Bjorn's daughter is. Remember how dirty Aslaug kept the girl and, I believe, she died because of Aslaug's negligence and she didn't even know what happened until one of the boys said

I felt like last season suffered from the same thing that The Walking Dead suffers from-TV execs strong arming creative people. The season just seemed kinda bloated.

Works for me.

Yep, this was the first time he's been threatened and he handled it really poorly, instead of remaining calm and doing damage control behind the scenes and working with Will to be sure they could count on his vote.

Yeah, with Zeke out he's the strongest strategic player. I think his days are numbered.

I think it's in response to the raising of drinking age to 21 because up until the 1970s or maybe early 80s the drinking age was 18. So I think it's just a response that says yeah, if you're 18 and want to drink that's fine but it's going to have be your folks that give you the alcohol-not the bartender. And I'm