
I forgot about that. LOL, what really struck me in that scene was how nice Kathryn Winnick's legs are.

Ken… Dude… TF? I'm sure I've seen dumber moves than that in previous Survivors but dang, that was dumb. How did he even figure that was a test? Maybe this wasn't as egregiously stupid as we're led to believe and there was some editing done to make it appear so because as it is, Ken just kinda became a liability to

I said the same thing about Probst telling the players they can't have a final hug from their loved one. I can't remember this far back but my husband said that in season 1, when that one older guy who wore the overalls (I think) had his wife there for the loved ones reunion, he basically told Probst to suck it and

I don't know how laws would apply there but in Texas, at least, you can drink under 21 as long as the bartender hands the parent the beer and the parent then hands it to the kid. Maybe the same thing there.

The last couple of weeks I've really started to dislike Bret. I don't know if that's because he's been given more airtime and the things I don't like about him have been prominent or if he just started to become a dick.

But not a bad play, it does suck for Adam though. If Will hadn't been so wishy washy he'd still have his idol, I don't know why Will just didn't commit when his statement was that Zeke needed to go because he'd win it all.

I thought Ken's edit this whole episode was really unflattering. Like he was begging Jay to take him and his brother on the reward. It was a little pathetic looking.

I think that we saw some foreshadowing at the end of the episode when Ivar asked Ragnar why he hasn't spoken to his Aslaug. Ragnar replied that he will. I think he will hold her accountable for the death of Bjorn's daughter and since family is what Ragnar cares about most, I don't know how that will end for Aslaug.

Dang, I can't believe I forgot about the third one. You're right, in this episode it was really about fleshing out Ivar more than those 3. They kinda had to do that, too, because the other brothers are more or less non descript but Ivar isn't and if he isn't fleshed out asap he's then just kinda nothing more than

Whose descendants are still on the throne. Kinda weird to picture Prince Charles as a descendant of Rollo, since I picture Rollo as Clive Standen.

I feel like the other two, I'll never get their names right-Sigurd and Ebu?-are kind of like set pieces and backdrops for Ivar to act against. I think that if the show remains faithful to historical context that Ivar will be more important than the other two so maybe they're already laying the groundwork there and

I think that perhaps you're correct in stating the Viking society would never be so 2016, but perhaps this is the show's way of saying that Lagertha just doesn't GAF and will probably kill anyone who crossed her. Maybe we'll even see later on that some of her people are unhappy with her relationship with Astrid.

I think they started preparing last season for the eventual death of Ragnar. He went off the rails and Rollo, Bjorn, Lagertha really had a more important and consequential story.

You even saw in this episode how Aslaug is so lenient and accepting of everything he does. He was molesting a servant and his brother told him to show her some dignity, he replied that she's just a slave, and Aslaug grinned about it. Like she took pride in his treatment of a servant and his defiance in his brother's

I also considered that in the historical context, was same sex relationships allowed 1100 years ago? Perhaps if a woman was beyond child bearing years or already had produced sons there would be more leniency from society.

I can't figure out what it mean for a new season which usually starts in February. Was it maybe done this way in order for History to start the new season in the summer without a year long gap?

One thing, among several, that this show does well is portray the psyche of its characters. It's always been a strong point that we aren't just watching the characters go thru the motions but are getting insight into their thoughts, personalities, what drives them, etc.

I totally forgot this is the second half of a prior season. Oh well, I'm glad Vikings is back. This is one of the most consistently good shows currently out there.

I've always said the same thing. They have 10 episodes of story stretched into 16 or 18, whatever the season length is.

And when it happens eventually it must be spectacular and flawless or there's no justification for this season being such a drag. I doubt this TWD team can pull off anything that resembles spectacular or flawless.