
I've always suspected that Trump has something on Christie because anytime he had to be on the same stage as Trump he looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. Like shoving hot pokers in his own eyeballs rather than being on the stage with Trump.

I've always thought the boys had a "look", like you just know by looking at them that they're huge, annoying, dipshit tools. Ivanka doesn't have that "look", to me. And I really can't remember what her mother used to look like, nor have I taken the 3 seconds required to google Ivana Trump, but it seems like she

Hell, if she's even his kid. That whole family is so weird and entangled in so much unsavory shit nothing would surprise me anymore.
Note: This is completely tongue in cheek commentary, I own nothing and am poor, please don't sue me, Mr. Trump.

I'm waiting on the day that he tries to fire someone he can't, like Nancy Pelosi, and Pence has to whisper discreetly in his ear that he can't fire Nancy.

when the FLOTUS attends a function wearing a dress designed by her friend and her friend's marketing people use her image to sell the products she wore to the function no one says anything. The only difference is that Ivanka's wearing her own stuff that's for sale and Michelle is wearing her friend's.
Not an issue,

Eh, probably. I'm sure there will be some kind of stupid crap done on the world stage.

Aw hell naw. Trump is a liberal from NYC who just talked a lot of alt-rightwing shit to get elected. Cruz is the real deal.

I think I laughed a bit too hard picturing our former president flying those damn helicopters and the look of glee and wonder on his face.

He should be fine post presidency. Good to know. ;)

At one of those kiosks at the mall?

I'm not grasping the issue. Don't celebrities always hawk their shit when they make public appearances? She's been wearing dresses from her clothing line during the entire thing. Why is it now all of a sudden a problem, except that people want to have something to talk shit about and stories like this one get hundreds

Have you read The Stand? In the situation you described it reminds me of the character, I think Campion was his name, that released the virus that wiped out most of humanity. Rick would essentially become that guy, ,except on purpose.

The real answer is: maternity leave.

I think that could be a good plan if they had the equipment necessary to carry it out. But I think that without knowing about that particular virus, like how it spreads, how long it can live without a live host, how easily it spreads, etc., it'd be impossible to carry out. Plus, what if it's something like ebola

Unless she's just hell bent on murdering Negan, everyone else be damned.

I wish I could reply with "suck my nuts".

You nailed his cadence.

It's probably like that Blazing Saddles campfire scene when the saviors are eating pork chops.

I feel like it's the beginning of the end. I think that every show has a life cycle and a serialized show can really only last so long. I think that there will always be a core audience of comic readers and a core of either hate or borderline hate watchers, but all those people who are lukewarm or play candy crush

I assume Olivia had a debit/credits type of ledger with the guns and when the guns were checked out she moved those particular guns to the other column, so they're accounted for.