
What's weird is how people complain about lines like that because their children are watching, despite the mandatory rating and viewer discretion message before each episode.

You'd think by now all the shit would be picked clean. They might find an old, rusty car or something.

I thought he had already established that he could make bullets? Or maybe the plans are on paper but he never actually tried?

I think I look at it from a different point of view because I live in a populous state. If we threw our weight around we'd outnumber New Jersey 3:1 roughly. I think that if we go strictly by popular vote there are going to be a few states whose residents make all the rules, basically.
I haven't looked into how

You're correct, I apologize. What I'm advocating for is the usefulness of the electoral college. I admitted that my logic could be wrong in the way in the I'm looking at it but as far the electoral college goes it is necessary to protect those people in Wyoming who'd otherwise never have a say. That's my intention.

Jesus Christ. The whole point was about how the electoral college makes our elections fair, and you pointing out that your little pissant county in New Jersey has more people than an entire fucking state proves the need FOR the electoral college.

Out on the longest scavenging run ever with Heath.

It was baffling, for sure.

True, whatever he buried should've included a rocket launcher, though.

When Fr Gabriel first popped up and asked Negan if he wanted to pay his respects and they were at the grave, for a second I thought TWD was going to double down on the fake death thing. I couldn't believe they were going to do it, and then I convinced myself that yes, they are in such an echo chamber that they

At the end did Rosita ask Eugene to make her a bullet? Like specifically one bullet? Did I hear that right?
Is she planning on assassinating Negan or just offing herself at this point?
And are bullets universal? I'm not a gun person (surprising considering where I reside) but will that casing from Negan's gun even

From what I've read, Bernie, Bill, and Biden (hey, the 3 b's) were all beating that drum. Why in the world they didn't listen to Bill at least, when the white, working class demographic is what carried him to the presidency, is beyond me.

I know….. It's already become trite.

LOL, that was a pretty good imitation of the superfan who tries to convince everyone this is some deep, introspective character study that we're all just too dumb to understand. You got me. ;)

Exactly. Would normal people not have hidden most of their stuff when they knew Negan was coming? You'd think they'd hide their guns, canned food, fuel, etc. so that Negan wouldn't know how much they had. And then burned all the ledgers.

Bingo. People get their news and information from entertainers. I have to explain to my mom that what she sees on Fox News isn't really news but rather opinion pieces. But she's old and people in her generation do think that what looks like the news is still really the news. I don't know what excuse the rest of

"Look, Negan, your foot is exactly the length of your forearm. Isn't that interesting?"

OJ did it?

Or 'He's fucked, America.' Both statements are valid. For now, at least.

Guilt or innocence doesn't matter in the court of public opinion. The CLintons have had their name linked with something or another for the past 30 years and it was all baggage that she couldn't overcome.