
That is a great argument for the electoral college and to leave our election process as it is.

Eh, these ladies know why they're there. No one is there because they think Trump wants to be their friend or wants to talk about philosophy with them. It's no different than groupies hanging out with rock bands.
And, I think, the most important part of the transcript is "they let you do it".

Here's my reasoning: CA, NY, Texas, and FL would pave the way. Looking at the electoral map, there are a greater number of counties that tend to be red than blue so it leads me to believe that when added up theses red counties have a larger population than the remaining blue counties. My logic could be wrong,

Oh yeah, urban is different in census than what I consider urban. A lot of those areas that are urban by census are small cities, population 100,000 or so. Let's look at my county, Tarrant, in Texas. Went for Trump by almost 200,000 votes. This is an urban area, but in a red state and these are red voters.

That. Or just leave. That's what I don't understand. Why don't they just get in some of the cars with a seemingly endless supply of petrol and find some other subdivision far, far away to live in.

It'll be alright. I promise.

And that makes no sense and is how we end up with Trump as president. You're 110% correct.

Let's say going forward that we rely strictly on popular vote. More people will vote because they'll think their vote matters more and there are more people who live in red states than blue and more people live in rural areas and smaller towns/cities than in urban areas. You're going to have a very red country if

Everyone bitches about the outcome of the elections, whichever way it goes, when only about 1/3 of the people in the US even vote. That's what you get when you sit at home, someone else makes the decision for you. So, unhappy people in Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania….looking at you.

A little of both. The liberal billionaire from New York City was seen as more of friend to 'everyman' than the lady who grew up middle class and married a poor boy from Arkansas.

It's the damnedest thing, isn't it????

You don't shit about me or my experiences. All this 'people like you'….
What he said was "I go in for the kiss and they let me". How is that not consensual? Creepy-sure. But forcing himself on someone-no.

I did see on polls that the celebrity endorsements are a turn off to some voters, and it makes sense since people can't identify with millionaires who vacation on private islands and such.

Nooooo, what he said was "when you're a star they let you do it". He's grabbing pussies that do not object. How exactly is that molesting someone? It's basically how Leonardo DiCaprio lives, except that Leo has the good sense to not swing his dick like that in a recorded interview.

Tuned to AMC, sat on my couch, ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and looked at my tv for 1 1/2 hours.

And give them a voice. I think the DNC really bungled it badly when they tried to appoint Hillary instead of letting the process happen. Bernie was the only one brave enough to stand against the DNC and the kids loved him. I think that if the Dems can give us a social liberal and a fiscal moderate/conservative

I agree, this was a kick in the pants that the party needed. They'll be down for a while but will figure it out.

Here's how I feel about the Pussy Grabber comment: How many guys have used the phrase "I'd f*** her" when one of their guy friends asked if another guy friend's new girlfriend was attractive. Or have used the term "doable" to describe a woman. Or said "that guy gets so much pussy" when talking about a guy they

The show addressed that, I think. Rick said that he could've hidden the guns but if Negan found out he lied then he'd kill someone for it. It really seemed to me, though, that they just forgot about the arsenal of guns they have and they failed to do anything to keep them.

Barbara Bush said last year that no one named Bush or Clinton needs to be the next president. The people agreed. The Democrats were blind to the fact that HRC had too much baggage and that people weren't going to vote her just because "it's her turn." They're so, so out of touch with anyone who identifies as a