
It might've been a good story for him to take that route and then at some point come to a forgiveness for Lori and Shane and realize he loves Judith as his own.

I really thought at the end he was going to give the rifle back to Michonne so they could hunt, since he expects them to feed his group.

I don't think he could have. How could he tell Korl that he's not taking care of his sister because she isn't biologically his? The group would've turned on him, I think.

It makes me wish that Negan would have told his guys to hold him down and shave his head after he pulled his stunt his episode.

Yeah, but Rick pretty much had to take in Judith as his own, whether he really wanted to or not. How would he ever explain to Korl or anyone else that he was petty af and left Judith for Carol or someone to raise. Everywhere he turned people would be side eyeing him thinking what an a$$hole he is.

I agree. If the writers will give the actor a chance to work with facial expressions and body language then he'd be really good.

For me it fell a little flat though. What's the alternative? To be real petty A$$ and let an innocent infant die? That's why I'm not seeing the correlation between what this is and what he did for Judith.

Duh. About that rocket launcher. They knew Negan was coming and he was going to take half of what they have so why wouldn't they hide the rocket launcher just for the sake of keeping it out of Negan's hands?

I seem to remember Lori telling Rick that she hadn't slept with Shane since he returned and that the math added up to Judith being Rick's. I think, it's been a while.

Aw hell naw.

I think because Negan was going to take her back to his house to be one of his wives. Although it's going to be obvious that they lied the first time Negan goes to the Hilltop and finds her there. They should've just said she bounced.

Accept that it's a nighttime soap and it all makes sense. AMC will tell us this a serious, character driven, thoughtful drama and if you believe that then you're going to be disappointed. If you watch it as just mindless entertainment and nothing more serious than Days of Our Lives, then it's much easier to watch

During one drawn out, close up scene with Rick my husband, who doesn't watch but was just in the room, asked me if they were going to kiss. They were ridiculously close for a really, really long time, and the camera was right up in both of their grills.
But really. Who talks like that? Wouldn't someone

There's a lot of hate for Negan's speeches but when Fr. Gabriel popped up the line Negan delivered was hilarious.

Don't confuse subtlety with poor character development.

I think the script just calls for him to talk too much. When he gets serious and give the evil eye he's really intimidating. He just needs to STFU.

I thought that scene was just supposed to make us feel some feels. Or something.

ooh I member.

This episode was meh, at best. It wasn't terrible but really drawn out and the extra minutes were just for more commercials. I'm really tired of AMC pretending these long episodes are supposed to be events that shouldn't be missed when we all know they're just ad space. Spencer and Carl did nothing, NOTHING, except

I wished Negan would've pistol whipped Carl for that.