
I saw the hosts unfreeze at different times but I thought that they unfroze as he walked past them.

Lena was pregnant during that time, perhaps that may be the sole reason for a body double. And remember, she showed her boobs on 300, so I'm not sure she would have told the people at GoT that she wasn't going to.

This is a reason why I think MIB=Logan makes more sense. He'd been coming to the park for a while before William ever came.

I noticed that during this episode there was a FTWD sidestory being shown, is this the first episode that's had this or have I just missed the previous two? They did the same thing last season and the character they introduced lasted about 1 1/2 episodes, so I'm wondering if they're going for a big setup that goes

I think the first couple paragraphs of this review are dead wrong. The reviewer is making a bunch of assumptions about Thandie Newton based on how he himself would feel about nude scenes. I think that the nudity is not overdone or too much. This is not boobs for the sake of boobs, like on True Blood. I guess I

I was a bit confused because Elsie and Bernard are wearing the same clothes they had on last episode, but in the park it's a new day and there had to be time for someone to come fetch Maeve and get her back to technicians. Perhaps the Elsie and Bernard scene was just a continuation from the day before and Maeve and

I wish that instead of Glenn biting it in the premier it would've been Daryl. I think that if Glenn and Daryl had switched and if Glenn was being held by Negan we would get a more compelling story with Glenn fighting to be able to protect his wife and child, his home, and to retain his own humanity. I think it

It's a franchise hamburger, not a good mom-n-pop type of hamburger. It's sufficient and inexpensive but not something you'd tell people about, and the people who serve it to you don't always say thank you, you're welcome, have a blessed day. But if you're hungry and you just want a cheap burger, it's perfectly

Agree completely. I usually watch TWD and DVR Westworld for Monday night but last night I gave up on TWD about halfway thru and switched over to Westworld. I'm personally not willing to sit thru these slogs any longer, especially when I can read a review and comments that are better than the show itself.

That's what I'm thinking, too, and I think that means he's going to have to kill someone big to maintain the impact of the premier. Ideally, for me anyway, he'd kill Daryl.

I saw it as he took some satisfaction in telling her it was him. Maybe he just got off on being behind a blindside but to me it looked personal.

I think she's a dominant personality which really turns off a lot of people, especially if that dominant person is a woman. I think, though, the outcome would've been the same if a man had said/done things that she did, like bossing Hannah in the challenge, bye felicia, being aggressive toward Figgy (which is why I

Michelle's victory haunts my dreams. If Hannah wins this year I will never watch this show again.

It seems that Hannah is just there to vote the way she's told to. Her edits have done nothing to portray her as anything else. After TC #1 when Michelle so easily convinced her to change her vote, with no other reason given except "I'll tell you later" I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. Having

I'll miss having Michaela around but I think Jay made the 100% right move at the right time. I can see her running the table pretty much at individual immunity challenges and if she got enough people to align with her she'd be difficult to beat, and she is not who he wanted to be sitting next to at final 3. Plus, I

I don't think anyone is aligned by age at all anymore and after the merge it's not going to happen. I think that Zeke and Adam never felt like they belonged in the tribe and they felt like Michelle, Taylor, and Jay were going to vote them out if the tribe had remained intact. Hannah's just kinda there to do what

She definitely dug her own grave. She's got to know, too, that even if they got to the end, Jay and Will would never, ever, ever take her to final 3. They'd vote her out and take do-nothing Hannah.

He was kind of an ass about it, makes me think that Michaela may have worn out her welcome a little bit, at least with him.

I thought it was smart to get rid of her and keep her off the jury. If they waited and she was on the jury she would not lob easy questions and she could potentially sway the others.

I think it's a statement that she thinks so highly of herself as an actress that she "becomes one" with the character she portrays. Kinda like Robert Downey, Jr's character in Tropic Thunder.